47009 - Headless Horseman

S.W.A.M 404
Published in
1 min readJun 12, 2017

It’s Headless Horseman, I would be surprised if it was not pleasing. Horseman continues to hone their sound on Tommy47’s label. The opening track is a dark dystopian bop-dirge to the early days of the hair that now keeps them safe.

Yeah, it’s that same sweet spot. Pack your things ladies, we can go home.

I mean, besides a very clear growth in percussion pattern design and some more flash, I have possibly worked in film sound design air to the surrounds. This is like previous Headless Horseman releases. Quality.

If you’ve not heard Headless Horseman, this is as good as any by way of introduction.

There is a sense of inverse Grime and Witchhouse threads flowing back up the high perched tube this escapes the necropolis from. I would initially say that ‘Bleeding Arrows’ is the stand out track…

But there is something about the soft melancholy that touches ‘The Day She Vanished’ that makes it a fight I don’t think either can win for me.

Sure, the tracks are there, why not give it a listen.

released April 14, 2017

