3 Small Ways to Turn the Tide on a Bad Day

Mags Thomson (she/her)
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2016


Having a bad day? Feeling the hurt and the fear? Would you wish you could just curl up in a ball and disappear?

We all have days like that.

How can you turn the tide on a day like that? Here are three small suggestions:

#1 — Dress Up and Show Up

Especially on days when you feel like a loser, dressing like a winner can make all the difference. You may feel tempted to wear your yoga pants and an ancient oversized hoodie… but what if you dress like how you WANT to feel, instead of dressing how you feel.

Head for your wardrobe and select your favourite, most flattering outfit. Shave, do your hair, add some make-up… Dress to impress, and see how it can change the energy of your day.

#2 — Write a Gratitude List

Sometimes it helps to take a break, refocus our mind. Instead of allowing yourself to focus on the bad, add some positive. Write down the good things in your life. Before you say you cannot think of anything… There are always things to be grateful for. From waking up in the morning, to having a good cup of coffee in the sunshine. Start with small things, and get into the grove.

Just keep going, list as many as you can. Feel your mind relax and gain emotional strength.

#3 — Smile

There is something amazing about smiling. Whenever you just put a smile on your face, whether you mean it or not, your body will start pumping out happy hormones. So, smile! Your body will start helping you feel better.

If you need help, find some funny pet video’s on YouTube to get yourself smiling

Originally published at https://swanwaters.com on July 29, 2016.



Mags Thomson (she/her)

Capturing Case-Studies and Testimonials for Coaches and Service-Based Entrepreneurs