Go to SwanWaters
Are you a survivor of emotional abuse? We share the skills we learned while coming to terms with our dysfunctional past, and share how we took our own lives from permanent survival mode to life-affirming tranquillity.
Note from the editor

Are you a survivor of emotional abuse? We share the skills we learned while coming to terms with our dysfunctional past, and share how we took our own lives from permanent survival mode to life-affirming tranquillity.

Go to the profile of Mags Thomson (she/her)
Mags Thomson (she/her)
Capturing Case-Studies and Testimonials for Coaches and Service-Based Entrepreneurs
Go to the profile of Aubrey Cole
Aubrey Cole
I survived a quarter century of psychological, emotional, economic and sexual abuse. Now, I offer hope and healing to others on their journey.
Go to the profile of Sandra ten Hoope
Sandra ten Hoope
Boredom to Brilliance Blogger, Storyteller Strategist and Catalyst.