You Are Your Own Healer

Mags Thomson (she/her)
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2019


You aren’t just being healed but you’re also the healer.

What do I mean by this? Well, it begins with you learning how to take yourself by the hand and figuring out what you need: What are your triggers? When are you hurting? How are you hurting?

Also, how is your level of self-awareness? Because developing it will enable you to notice what you’re going through and explore the reasons behind it.

Being conscious of how your mind works and how your environment, relationships, and certain activities affect you. For example, are you trying to force yourself to utilize a healing modality like EFT when you’d prefer to be in therapy? Or vice-versa? Knowing these things will make a powerful difference in how you experience your healing journey.

When we try to make ourselves fit within a cookie-cutter version of healing (doing things just because other people say it worked for them), we bring the unhelpful element of frustration into it because our soul is trying to say, “Hey, I know what’s good for me! Listen to me!”

So with all that said: by all means, utilize the resources at your disposal and take the advice that people give you about how to heal. But ULTIMATELY, run it all by your own “inner guidance system” as Abraham Hicks calls it. You have your own wisdom and know inherently what works for you and doesn’t.

Originally published at on May 11, 2019.



Mags Thomson (she/her)

Capturing Case-Studies and Testimonials for Coaches and Service-Based Entrepreneurs