How I Learned to Speak English

And how it can help you learn any languages

Anne-Charlotte G.
Swap Language


Photo by Ian Panelo from Pexels

As you may know/may have guessed, I am not a native English speaker. I am French and I spent the first 24 years of my life in France, eating baguettes and cheese while wearing a marinière and a béret (if this sounds cliché, it’s because it is).

I had my first English lesson when I was ten. I still remember learning to say “Hello, my name is Anne-Charlotte, I am 10 years old and I live in Vendée.” 19 years later, I live in Dublin and I speak and write in English on a daily basis. My accent is still very French and I’m sure my writing sounds French too (but eh! As we say in French: chassez le naturel, il revient au galop!)

I wanted to share with you some of the things I did to improve my English. It may not be useful for everyone but it may help if you want to learn another language or to practice a language again.

C’est parti!

1. Listen to the radio / watch videos online / watch TV in the language you want to learn.

When I was in collège and lycée (the French middle school and high school), I listened to BBC News and British radio shows. I just put the TV/computer on and did my stuff; the idea was to have some English background…



Anne-Charlotte G.
Swap Language

Content editor by day, writer by night. Londoner with a French accent.