The funniest Google Translations

Diana Bernardo
Swap Language


I’ve lived in Hungary for a year now. Budapest is a vibrant, cool city. People are nice. Life is good here. The only issue: I don’t speak Hungarian. Although I am having classes, Hungarian is an extremely complex language and it takes time to reach even a basic level.

Although I can get around using English in most situations, I still face many occasions where I need to understand Hungarian. Naturally, my go-to solution is to use Google Translator. And while it is a lifesaver in most cases, it has cracked me up on a bunch of occasions with the funny, incredibly stupid translations it provides. Hungarian is so complex that even Google Translator gets completely lost!

Let's see what I mean…

This one was sent to me by my Portuguese friend when she tried to ask Google how to say “Merry Christmas” (Feliz Natal) in Hungarian.

Looking for an apartment is probably what has given me the biggest amount of crazy translations. Even when I didn’t speak any Hungarian at all, I could still read numbers, obviously. And I found an ad for an apartment that had the number 10 in Hungarian but, the English translation said this…

