Swapathgami Magazine: walkout-walkon network

Making our own paths of learning and living

52 Alivehoods


by Manish Jain

What makes you, your community and the world come alive again? What are regenerative livelihoods for the planet?

Modern civilization spent the last 150 years destroying the earth in search of progress (what we call ‘deadlihoods’), so now it is time to make our ‘alive-lihoods’ by regenerating ourselves, the earth’s natural systems and healthy communities.

Are we learning to do any of this important work in our schools and universities?

Some may find it strange that there are no professional academics or policymakers on this list. We need ‘intellectuals’, ‘thinkers’ and ‘visionaries’ but these should grow out of practical experiences with these eco-careers, integrating our heads, hands, hearts and homes, rather than as a fragmented, ivory tower categories.

Here is a short list of growing eco-careers that I have encountered to heal ourselves and the planet:

  1. organic urban and rural farmers

2. seed savers of traditional varieties

3. organic food store/suppliers http://52parindey.in/project/route-to-roots/

4. healthy cooking restaurants/tiffin service chefs/bakeries

5. urban composters of wet waste

7. eco-architecture designers and builders — www.abari.org

8. eco-bricks, bamboo and other natural building materials producers

9. food forest regenerators — www.afforestt.com/ https://www.ted.com/talks/shubhendu_sharma_how_to_grow_a_forest_in_your_backyard

10. wildlife and biodiversity conservators

11. groundwater and river systems purifiers

12. water conservation and groundwater rechargers

13. waste segregators and collectors

14. treatment of medical and other hazardous waste

15. upcyclers making waste into useful products (bags, diaries, jewellry, furniture, etc.) and repair cafes — https://repaircafe.org/en/

16. freecycling stores hosts

17. alternative healers (ayurveda, naturopathy, yoga, meditation, nlp, etc.)

18. herbal beauty/hygiene products (soap, shampoo, etc.) producers

19. herbal medicinal products producers

20. midwives — http://motherandbabyindia.com/birthing-centres/

21. green event managers (zero waste unconferences, weddings, etc.)

22. cultural workers, community media producers, musicians and storytellers (local filmmaking, theatre, radio, newspapers, etc.)

23. alternative energy engineers and manufacturers (solar, wind, biogas, etc)

24. producers of clothing and shoes using natural fibers

25. natural dyeing of clothing http://www.auraherbalwear.com/

26. handloom weavers https://www.takali.in/

27. deep learning facilitators with children, youth, communities https://insightwalk.org/

28. coaches for deep learning in organizations and with leaders

29. natural handmade paper makers

30. bamboo and recycled paper furniture makers

31. natural and clay plates, bowls, spoons, pots artisans http://www.bakeys.com/

32. shared bicycle/car transport coordinators

33. biodiversity eco-resort hosts

34. slow money (local) investors

35. nature/culture walking and cycling guides

36. organizational cross-pollinators (connecting across different groups and movements)

37. maker space/tool libraries hosts

38. decommissioners of big dams, nuclear power plants, etc.

39. compost toliet and other eco-friendly toliet manufacturers

40. conservational breeders (breeding and supporting endangered species)

41. neighborhood-based dairies

42. neighborhood bee keepers

43. marine ecologists — http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/puducherry/construction-of-artificial-reef-on-track/article19764149.ece

44. computer hackers and free software dudes

45. publishing houses and dariya dil bookstalls http://banyantreebookstore.weebly.com/

46. animal aid shelters



49. love unschool hosts and relationship counsellors

50. public artists/artivists (non-private gallery) (creating beauty and feeling of community)

51. transition peace keepers, wisdom negotiators, conflict mediators and restorative justice counsellors

52. clowns, tricksters and organizational happiness huggers (adding chaos, humor, care, hospitality and creative disruption to innovative organizations)



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