
Some of my All-time Top Favorite Books

by Manish Jain

Hind Swaraj — M.K. Gandhi

Trickster Makes the World — Lewis Hyde

Seeing Like a State — James Scott

In the Absence of the Sacred — Jerry Mander

Deschooling Society — Ivan Illich

Tools for Conviviality — Ivan Illich

Moved by Love — Vinoba Bhave

You are Therefor I am — Satish Kumar

One Straw Revolution — Manusoba Fukuyaka

A Simpler Way — Margaret Wheatley

The Buddha and the Terrorist — Satish Kumar

Spirit of Regeneration — Frederique Appfel Marglin

Development Dictionary — Wolfgang Sachs

Ancient Futures — Helena Norberg Hodge

Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture — Wendell Berry

Instead of Education — John Holt

Year 501: The Conquest Continues — Noam Chomsky

Letters between Gandhi and Tagore

Days of War; Nights of Love — Crimethink Collective

