To list a Token Project on SwapMatic

Why should you onboard your project on SwapMatic? This article outlines some good reasons and explains what to do to get that done — it is surprisingly easy.

3 min readMar 9, 2021


What is SwapMatic?

From a technical point of view, SwapMatic is an automatic market maker (AMM) on Ethereum L2 sidechain Polygon (previously Matic). All liquidity in SwapMatic is based on MATIC pairs, so everything pooled on SwapMatic is highly liquid.

Good articles about AMM, EMV, and sidechains are abundant (see the links above), so let’s keep this paragraph short.

From a business point of view, SwapMatic is a community-driven, creative project based on open standards and protocols. It leverages new approaches developed on the blocktimeworld platform: hassle-free liquidity mining, universal staking, dynamic snapshots, blockchain analytics, NFT DeFi, on-demand NFT minting and mining, ultra-light DAOs, and much more.

Why onboard your project to SwapMatic?

First of all, it is all about serving your audience, strengthening your project, and building your community.

Serve your current audience: SwapMatic provides a robust marketplace with near-zero trading fees, fast transactions, and open architecture. SwapMatic is a decentralized service, so everyones’ funds are safu.

Build a new audience: L2 DeFi projects are trending hard, and Polygon is gaining tremendous traction. Early adopters, innovators, crypto geeks, and increasingly, regular users are jumping on the ride. To have your project listed attracts new users and gets you trending like never before.

Visibility and promotion: Your project will be visible and showcased on the application itself (‘drop-down’), included market data communications, and part of ongoing promotion.

Mining incentive: Formally onboarded token pools will generate daily SWAM token rewards. That is a huge opportunity to strengthen your project and make holding and pooling your token an appealing option.

What is the cost?

“Sounds great, but what’s the catch? Can I afford this?” Sure you can! Onboarding your project on SwapMatic does not cost you anything more than a wee bit of time and effort (see below).

Our communities, assets, and capabilities combined are greater than the sum of the parts.

We create more value for our projects and stakeholders by working together.

Why not grasp an opportunity that has virtually no risk but potentially a huge reward?

Now, the steps to get your project onboarded

Onboarding your project may be as easy as contacting us in Discord or Telegram — and our helpful team will take care of the rest.

In any case, the steps involved are the following:

  1. Discuss with our team about the opportunity
  2. Submit a Mainnet-Polygon mapping request if needed
  3. Fill out the listing form
  4. Create an exchange in SwapMatic
  5. Add liquidity using SwapMatic’s interface
  6. Inform your community

Again, please note that our team can easily take care of all the steps except the last 5 and 6.


More info and links in the website.

