Keychain, UX -progress and trading: Dev Update for March 2019

SwapOnline Team
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2019

With the first feedback received from commercial users, reconsidered some aspects of interface, upgraded safety and trading performance.
Check it out!

Before starting the review of the development process, we need to mention that one more important document for the clients is presented.

After the first release of whitepaper v1.0 in February, 2019, business development team prepared comprehensive B2B-offer for the full range of our services.

Read it right now and find out what we offer for now: from the cross-chain integration of stablecoins to all-in-one crypto banking solution!


As we announced in our white paper, we are devoted to the principles of the ultimate safety of users’ key. Thus, we enabled Keychain solution by our partners Array.Io. Keychain itself is a game-changing toolkit for signing transactions and generating key pairs. It stores private keys in an isolated environment where no logger, debugger or spyware can intercept them. KeyChain supports transactions from and to various blockchains, including Ethereum and Bitcoin in the current release, but working on Ethereum classic, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Bitshares. In, users of Keychain can perform all operations when the private keys are used: transaction signing, message signing etc. In our mainnet it works with Bitcoin and Ethereum. By the way, even without Keychain, your keys are stored only in your localstorage with no option for to access or restore it.

User Interface

Besides some minor tweaks in UI/UX, we redesigned the order placement window. Now, BTC, ETH and SWAP are included in your dropdown. But, if there’s an order on with another cryptocurrency or token, its ticker also is shown in dropdown. Then, we rescheduled ‘History’ tab: now transactions with tokens (not only with major cryptocurrencies) are shown in the corresponding page of your account.

ETH, BTC, SWAP and all the interesting tokens in dropdown

Finally, we added the Tutorial Tour explaining the principles and features of our exchange. Even newbie user will get the information on how the works with different cryptocurrencies.

Trading Performance

We added some improvements to make all trade operations on more comfortable and profitable. Firstly, we introduced double-check of the ‘takers’ balance during the swap. If the balance of your counterparty become insufficient (due to the issues with the currency rate, previous transactions pending etc.), the deal is cancelled automatically with both parties informed about it.

We reconsidered the ban on the swaps with particular currency in case of unfinalized swaps from the user’s page. Now this feature is customized through the time-based filter.

Last but not least — we upgraded our beloved widget. As you know, it is the html-backed button installed on web-site to exchange the tokens on BTC and USDT. Now, we added the function of BTC-ETH atomic swaps to the widget, so, it becomes real ‘small DEX’ for the operator.

We work hard for you day by day!

Sincerely, team

