Q2, 2019: Swap.online development update

SwapOnline Team
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2019

As the Swap.online MVP is fully ready and is reliably working for wallet users and traders, we shifted our core activity from development to the promotion. Our team took part in Malta Blockchain Conference and Asia Blockchain Summit in Taipei and presented our progress in sphere of cross-chain for the most experienced professionals in worldwide blockchain community.

Our efforts have been highlighted by the world top-level IT-blog Hackernoon as the article on libp2p tools, KYC/AML-neutrality and ‘real’ decentralization by Swap.online was published there on July 5, 2019.

By the way, we have something to share with you about our development progress.

Trading Performance

First of all, we launched the Atomic Swaps with Bitcoin Cash. We had planned to add the first and most significant Bitcoin fork to our Atomic Swaps decentralized exchange ecosystem. Our R&D department started to study the possibilities of the BCH integration in October, 2018 after the first token listings on Swap.online. And finally we executed the ETH<>BCH Atomic Swap and launched the wallet for Bitcoin Cash!

We prepared a short video showing new brilliant tool of Swap.online:

For now, users can store their BCH on Swap.online, transfer and receive it. Exchange mechanism is available in testnet mode. We plan to launch mainnet swaps with Bitcoin Cash in a month or two.

Then, we add some important functions to ETH and ERC-20 tokens exchange toolkit. Now you can execute swap even if the balance is insufficient to pay gas fee. The missing amount of ETH can be paid either by your counterparty of by Swap.online. We implemented this feature to help our users to finish their swaps regardless to minor deposit insufficiency.

Finally, we launched the possibility to place the order prior to token deposit. E.g. one willing to exchange ETH or tokens would like to know, whether his or her order will be attractive. If it is, he or she can send the crypto to the balance during the swap. By the way, if user places many ‘unfilled’ orders, his or her ranking on Swap.online will be reduced.


We reconsidered the exchange form to make it more convenient. Now the trader can see the orders right after filling the form ‘You have’ and decide whether they are profitable at the moment. Also, the approximate USD amount of order is shown below the crypto amount. This is particularly important in the regard of current Bitcoin growth.

Moreover, we analysed the feedback from our users and updated the FAQ page. For now, it consists of 85+ articles. It was made to ensure that the whole toolkit of Swap.online is clear even for newbies in crypto.

We have great plans for Q3, 2019. First and foremost, it is the integration of TON and LIBRA blockchains due to the great interest to both projects shown by the community. Stay with us and be among the first traders of game-changing tokens!


Swap.online team

Swap.Online Essential Links

Website: https://testnet.swap.online
GitHub: https://github.com/swaponline
Email: team@swap.online
Telegram: https://t.me/swaponline
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Swaponline
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SwapOnlineTeam
Wiki: https://wiki.swap.online/
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4636633

