How to Claim and Convert SWPR on Arbitrum One

Claiming and Converting the SWPR Airdrop

4 min readAug 31, 2021


If you are looking for steps on Converting your SWPR, it can be found below the claim section in this article. If you are looking for the SWPR token announcement, you can find that here.

Claiming SWPR

Both the Community Airdrop and DXdao Airdrop are claim-drops. This means you must visit the Swapr dApp and claim your tokens manually; SWPR tokens will not automatically appear in your wallet. These drops will be claimable on the Arbitrum network where gas fees are significantly reduced.


  • Visit the Swapr dApp.
    Always ensure you are visiting the correct address (; if there are any doubts of the authenticity of a certain link you can verify in the footer of official Swapr social channels.
  • Click on “Claim Airdrop”.
    Located in the top right-hand side of the Swapr dApp is a “Claim Airdrop” button. It’s hard to miss! Regardless of your current network, this page will indicate the amount of SWPR token you can claim.
  • Switch to Arbitrum, and bridge some ETH.
    Arbitrum requires ETH to process transactions. The Swapr UI will prompt you to switch to the Arbitrum Network through its native network switcher.
  • Once on the correct network, Swapr will direct you to the Arbitrum bridge if you don’t currently have an ETH balance on Arbitrum.
  • Claim your Airdrop! Once you are on the Arbitrum network and have an ETH balance, claiming is as simple as a single click!
  • Once the transaction has been processed, you can confirm your shiny new SWPR balance directly in the UI, through the Swapr trading interface, or through your address on Arbiscan.

Converting to the new SWPR

Recently, the DXdao community identified a misconfiguration with its governance framework on Arbitrum, which effectively made it impossible for SWPR farming campaigns to be launched. If you owned SWPR before this time, you will be required to migrate your tokens over from the old contracts.


  • Visit the Swapr dApp.
    Always ensure you are visiting the correct address (; if there are any doubts of the authenticity of a certain link you can verify in the footer of official Swapr social channels.
  • Click on “Convert to new SWPR”.
    It’s worth noting that if you have yet to claim your Airdrop, the UI will instead prompt you to “Claim SWPR Airdrop and Convert”.
  • Pull your old SWPR liquidity if you have any.
    If you have any SWPR liquidity the UI will prompt you to remove it to prepare for migration. Since Swapr Beta v5 points to redeployed contracts, it is highly recommended that ALL LP positions be removed and created again — not just SWPR positions. Liquidity on the old deployment will be unable to interact with SWPR farming, nor will any trades route through it from the official Swapr link. Clicking the “Pull liquidity” button will bring you to an IPFS deployment of the previous contracts. Ensure that after pulling liquidity you are once again on
  • Approve SWPR with conversion contract and click convert!
    First, you’ll need to approve your SWPR with the conversion contract. Once approved, all that is left is to convert!
  • Confirm your SWPR has been converted.
    Once approved and converted, you can confirm the operation has been executed successfully by checking the balance under “Your SWPR details”. This should now indicated the amount of SWPR that was converted, and it will be immediately accessible. If the balance remains at 0 please create a ticket in the Swapr Discord “Ticket Creation” channel — Administrators will never DM you first.

About Swapr: Swapr is a multi-chain automated market maker (AMM), deployed on Ethereum mainnet, xDai, and Arbitrum. Swapr is the first AMM to allow for adjustable swap fees through governance, as well as the first DAO deployed DeFi protocol on Ethereum; developed organically within the DXdao community.

Connect with Swapr: Discord, Twitter, Telegram

Connect with DXdao: Discord, Twitter, Telegram, Keybase, DAOtalk Forum



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The DXdao is a decentralized organization, owned and operated by the community. It develops, governs, and grows DeFi protocols and products.