Singularity University Ventures is joining our dream!

Swapy Network
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2018

We are proud to announce that Singularity University Ventures is joining Swapy Network alongside with Tim Draper, Don Tapscott, and others to help us in our mission of providing Universal Access to Credit!

SU Ventures is a global community of startups using exponential technologies to solve global challenges. We look for startups that are tackling the world’s most difficult problems and take a long-term approach to help them build high-growth sustainable businesses. [SU Ventures]

Their approach to help startups achieve long-term sustainability is based on three key pillars: Capital, Customers, and Connections. The benefits are countless and includes, among others, (1) guidance to raise capital from angels, VCs, foundations, and others; (2) help developing pilots, field trials, and partnerships alongside with F1000 partners and impact organizations; (3) connections to their global network of experts, esteemed faculty, and industry leaders.

As a result of the partnership between Swapy (Credit Dream, Inc) and Singularity University Ventures, Ed (CEO) is already attending Singularity University Sprint program at the Silicon Valley campus (February 5th — 22nd, 2018).

Singularity University Sprint program, Silicon Valley — February, 2018

Learn more about SU Ventures:

“Creating abundance is not about creating a life of luxury for everybody on this planet; it’s about creating a life of possibility.”
— Peter Diamandis (Co-founder, Singularity University)

Singularity University has the mission to educate, inspire, and empower leaders to apply exponential technologies to address humanity’s grand challenges. It was founded in 2008 by Peter Diamandis and Ray Kurzweil at the NASA Research Park in California, United States. An initiative in collaboration with Deloitte and Google.

“Technological change is exponential, contrary to the common-sense ‘intuitive linear’ view. So we won’t experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century — it will be more like 20,000 years of progress.”
— Ray Kurzweil (Co-founder, Singularity University)

Swapy (Credit Dream, Inc) has attended to SU Exponential Finance 2016 and 2017 as Innovation Lab Exhibitor, and was one of the finalists (TOP3) at Singularity University Global Grand Challenge Awards (Prosperity Track), August 2017.

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Swapy Network

Swapy Network is providing Universal Access to Credit using blockchain technology. [ ]