How to Buy $SWAPZ on PancakeSwap

Swapz Official


The first thing you need to do is set up your Metamask wallet.

To do that, go to and download the extension. Alternatively if you’re on mobile, you can download it on either the iOS or the Android.

When you’ve done that, open a wallet or import one, and please make sure to store your seed phrases safely — and preferably offline!

To buy $SWAPZ on PancakeSwap you’ll have to use the Binance Smart Chain, so you’ll have to set up your Metamask wallet accordingly.

You’ll need to go to Settings, click on Networks, and add a new network using the following details:

The BSC Network information

After you’ve saved it, you’ll be good to go!

Transfer some BNB to your Metamask wallet address, making sure that you’ll have enough to cover the transaction costs. It never hurts to have some left over BNB in your wallet in case you want to trade in some of your other tokens for more Swapz.

When you have your funds ready, just click on this link and you’ll be taken directly to Pancake Swap where you can load up on Swapz.

Please don’t forget to check if you have your Metamask Wallet set on the BSC. That’ll be the only way to connect to PancakeSwap.

At that point, all you have to do is click on the ‘Connect’ button to unlock your wallet and buy Swapz.

If your transaction doesn’t go through, it’s possible that your slippage is too low. Just increase it to 0.5% or 1% and it should go through.

We know slippage sucks, that’s why we’re building the ultimate Zero Slippage DEX.

You can help us build it by staking your Swapz and claiming your share of the 1 Million SWAPZ in the reward pool. Find out more about our Staking Program here and then stake your $SWAPZ here.

To summarise, here’s how you can buy $SWAPZ on Pancake Swap:

  1. Download Metamask and set up your wallet.
  2. Add the Binance Smart Chain Network to Metamask.
  3. Send BNB to your Metamask wallet address.
  4. Click on this link and hit the ‘Connect’ button, after making sure your Metamask is on the BSC network.
  5. Buy $SWAPZ (adjusting slippage if necessary).
  6. Then stake your $SWAPZ here to claim your share of the 1 MILLION tokens in our Rewards pool.
  7. Enjoy being rewarded for HODLing.

Swapz: The Ultimate DEX

Here’s what you need to know about Swapz:

- Zero slippage puts 100% of YOUR gains in YOUR wallet.

- Human error: not on Swapz. You’re protected.

- It’s so user friendly it turns green newbies into seasoned pros.

Stop dreaming about life-changing trades.

Make them on Swapz.

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