Cat GIF TV — Brings Cute Kitty Cat Gifs Directly to your Apple TV and iOS Devices.

SWARM Thoughts
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2017

SWARM today launched Cat Gif TV, a Apple TV app that lets users effortlessly watch cat gifs on the big screen. Featuring sneaky cats, cute cats, fat cats, even goat-riding cats, the Cat Gif TV app has something for every feline-fan.

The Cat Gif TV app’s preview gallery lets users find the perfect cat gif for whatever mood. Whether you’re bored, curious, playful there’s a cat gif to fit your groove. Really loved seeing that kitty yawn? Tap to replay it. Identify with that furball getting confused by a box? Users will love Cat Gif TV’s slow-meow feature.

With this app, Cat Gif TV is enabling cat-lovers to continue their passion. Cat Gif TV extends cat gif love from your browser onto your own kitty TV. Even better, users will no longer have to skip through long videos or mute scratchy audio. Gifs are the purrfect way to consume cuddly cat content with ease.

Cats have been incredibly popular online, with an estimated 15% of all internet traffic being feline-related. With so much cat content why be stuck on your smartphone when you can share it with your whole family? Cat Gif TV has the potential to change the way we think about sharing our feline friends. “Cat gifs have been confined to a tiny smartphone screen, when they deserve so much more. Let’s give these kitties the visibility they deserve,” says Jace Grebski, creator of Cat Gif TV. So call over your cat-obsessed Aunt, sit back, relax, and enjoy Cat Gif TV on your Apple TV.

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SWARM Thoughts

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