Introducing the PolySwarm Advisers

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4 min readJan 11, 2018

At PolySwarm, we’re excited to have a growing list of advisers who bring experience from all corners of the business and InfoSec world as authors, entrepreneurs, directors, and well-known experts in their various fields.

Learn more about what they’ve done, where they’re experience has taken them, and what they think about working with PolySwarm.

Mark Tonnesen

Former CIO, McAfee

“I’m excited to be working with PolySwarm because they’re uniquely addressing an important issue in cyber security. Their approach is potentially disruptive and is much-needed in the industry, and I’m thrilled to be working so closely with their team.”

Mark offers decades of experience leading marquee and highly innovative technology companies, serving as VP at Cisco, VP & CIO at Logitech, SVP & CIO at Electronic Arts (EA) and SVP & CIO of McAfee, among others.

Prior to his experience in the private sector, Mark served as a Senior Adviser to the US Department of Homeland Security from 2001–2003 and was instrumental in its formation.

Learn more about Mark:

Chris Eagle

Author, IDA PRO book, Senior Lecturer, Naval Postgraduate School

Everyone at PolySwarm looks up to Prof. Chris Eagle, who wrote the book on reverse engineering, the process of taking apart others’ code in order to understand it.

Chris was a core member of sk3wl of r00t, a hacker collective that won the world series of hacking (DEF CON CTF) several times, alongside our own CEO, Steve Bassi, and COO, Nick Davis.

After winning the competition too many times, Steve and Chris decided to run the DEF CON CTF as DDTek. Chris teaches at NPS where he trains military members who are entering “cyber” careers.

Learn more about Chris Eagle:

Dan Guido

Co-Founder & CEO, Trail Of Bits

“PolySwarm is one of the most interesting ICOs to me personally. I’m excited to help PolySwarm build and secure tomorrow’s threat intelligence market.”

Dan brings nearly a decade of Infosec experience to our adviser team.

He’s worked in security consulting, was an adjunct professor at NYU, teaching the capstone course in the cybersecurity program for seven years and most recently started the company Trail of Bits, which helps secure some of the world’s most targeted organizations.

Learn more about Dan:

Dr. Sergey Bratus

Research Associate Professor, Dartmouth College

Dr. Sergey Bratus founded the LangSec movement, advancing the design of future protocols and applications in a provably secure manner.

He’s also an author on ELFbac and collaborated on ELFbac implementation with Narf. Our joint work was presented at Black Hat, which you can see at, and we’re excited to be working with him again on our newest Project, PolySwarm.

Carl Hoffman

Founder and CEO, Basis Technology

Carl is a self-proclaimed “lifetime entrepreneur” with experience in text analytics, cyber forensics, and cross-border ventures.

He’s the Co-founder of Basis Technology and has delivered key enabling technology to Amazon and Google for their Japan market launches, and to Bing and Yahoo for their Asian expansion.

He’s also worked with the US Intelligence Community on high volume, multilingual DOMEX, HUMINT, OSINT, and SIGINT, all of which we know will help him provide value to PolySwarm as an adviser.

His extensive business experience includes serving as business development director of Free Software Foundation and director of the Unicode Consortium. In his 10 years spent at MIT he was a student, teaching assistant, and research assistant at the AI Lab and Project MAC.

Learn more about Carl:




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