New Listings, The Art Asset Class & More News

Katerina Kan
5 min readDec 7, 2018


Welcome to your Swarm Newsletter for December 7th, 2018

New investment opportunity: TheArtToken (TAT)

TheArtToken (TAT) brings art as a stable, successful and secure alternative asset on the blockchain. Every TAT is backed by 100% renowned works of art. With its 1-to-1 ratio, TAT has no additional or hidden costs/fees, making sure that 100% of the invested capital gets transformed into art. TAT has a soft cap of $16M and a hard cap of $100M, and is offering presale discounts of up to 30%. Moreover, TAT is introducing a new level of trust with a one-of-a-kind redemption option: at any time token holders can convert their tokens into the underlying art, should they no longer want to participate in the fund.

For more information, watch the TAT Video and read more details on the TAT listing page.

Swarm conducts the next round of Masternode payouts

On December 4th, Swarm paid out a total of 205,480 SWM in block rewards for the second half of November 2018 to 139 Swarm Masternode operators, as part of the incentive program it launched earlier this year. Going forward, rewards will be paid on a monthly schedule. Offering full transparency to current and future masternode holders, Swarm has created a website to publish the masternode rewards to date. This website is updated every hour.

Interested in running a Swarm Masternode? Check out the Swarm Masternodes website for details on how to register.

Swarm listed on the Cryptopia exchange

The SWM token is now live for purchase and trading on Cryptopia’s marketplace, with BTC and ETH trading pairs. This is a big deal because Swarm is one of the first tokens to go through Cryptopia’s new listing process, with a rigorous review of Swarm’s team, token, and technology. We expect more marketplaces to find the architecture behind the SWM token equally convincing.

For more details, watch Chris give updates on Nov 30th’s Facebook Live Video

Swarm now listed on (MNO)

Swarm is listed on (MNO), which is a leading masternode coins comparison and masternodes monitoring platform. MNO’s goal is to provide clean, concise and accurate data for masternode coins and masternode comparison. Swarm is currently ranked #25 by volume and #10 by Market Cap. The listing on MNO is another major milestone for Swarm this past month, as it underscores the team’s commitment to full transparency.

For more information, visit


Meet Timo Lehes in exclusive interview with Crypto Dog

Swarm’s CIO Timo Lehes sat down with Crypto Dog for a 15-minute interview in which he reveals how he got involved in crypto, talks about Swarm and the benefits of tokenizing assets, points out why traditional investors should be looking into Swarm and shares Swarm’s plans for the immediate future.

Watch the new interview today: The Crypto Dog Talks to People

Meet Chris Eberle in Miami Beach for Miami Art Week

Swarm COO Chris Eberle will be in Miami Beach during Miami Art week at two major events discussing the intersection of art, blockchain, and investment.

December 6 — Chris will give a keynote presentation titled “More for Everyone: Why Art & Technology Are Better Shared” at Art Decentralized — The World of Distributed Masterpieces

Learn more about Art Decentralized

December 7 — Find Chris on two panels at Crypto Pro Miami Art Week

Learn more about Crypto Pro Miami Art Week

Meet Philipp Pieper at TNABC in Miami — January 16–18th

Swarm’s CEO Philipp Pieper will take the main stage for a keynote presentation at The North American Bitcoin Conference (TNABC) in Miami. TNABC is one of the largest conferences in the blockchain space. It will be packed with thought-provoking presentations, panel discussions, network opportunities and token pitches. Come and find the Swarm booth in the Exhibit Hall for a demo of our investment website and meet Philipp and other Swarm team members one-on-one.

Learn more about The North American Bitcoin Conference


Recommended by Timo Lehes: Novogratz’s Crypto Firm Turns to Tokenization of Real Estate

Swarm’s CIO Timo Lehes recommends reading this Bloomberg article and watching the interview with Michael Novogratz. The billionaire investor is optimistic about the future for crypto and expects that institutional investors will soon be putting more trust in the asset class. He says, “There is positive movement on the technology and there are new technologies coming. There is positive movement on the institutional adoption of the architecture needed.” Novogratz, who is the founder of Galaxy Digital Holdings, is getting on the bandwagon for the tokenization of traditional assets such as real estate.

Read the Bloomberg Article and Watch the Interview with Michael Novogratz

Recommended by Alexander Lieders: MakerDao and the True Value of a Governance Token

For those of you interested in governance and token economics, Swarm’s Alexander Lieders recommends watching the governance call by MakerDao talking about the true value of a governance token and how it is used to extract value from a decentralized organization. Alexander says, “This call is packed with thought provoking ideas.”

Watch the MakerDao Scientific Governance and Risk Meeting

The Swarm brand is getting stronger

Building a brand from scratch is not an easy task. Becoming a household name in the fintech space can take years. We are encouraged by the recognition Swarm has been getting lately, and grateful for all the support from our community. In November, Swarm’s CEO Philipp Pieper had been in high-demand — either as a keynote speaker or as a panelist at fintech and blockchain events. To give you an idea — on the 13th Philipp was at Finpulse Summit in Stuttgart, on the 20th at the European Blockchain Association: Inauguration of Working Group Finance WGF in Frankfurt, on the 23rd at PWC Blockchain Summit in Munich, on the 27th at the Heidelberg University for a seminar on Blockchain and on the 29th Philipp was at the AIMA Digital Assets and Blockchain Core Group in London. Be on the look-out for future opportunities to see Philipp and other Swarm leaders in action at a fintech event near you.

Wishing you all the best for December,

Your friends at Swarm


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