Support from both TradFi and Crypto industry signals a bright future for Swarm Markets

Swarm Markets
Published in
5 min readAug 13, 2021

Leading professionals and trusted media from both sides of finance recognize the mammoth potential of Swarm Markets to change the industry.

It’s hard to believe it’s only been just over two months since Swarm Markets emerged from stealth mode. In that short time, our licensed DeFi platform has been recognized for our unique potential to revolutionize finance by closing the gap between crypto and traditional finance.

We wanted to take a moment to collect some of these responses since we appreciate that not everyone can follow Swarm Markets on all the different channels where we receive recognition. The examples below are just a small slice of the pie — many more people and media outlets have shown their interest and support.

These are some of the highlights. They show how inspired people are by Swarm Markets after just a short time.

Crypto Industry Supporters

It makes sense that crypto insiders would recognize one of their own. The crypto industry has come out in support for Swarm Markets in a big way.

Bryan D’Souza of R3 was one of the first to create a visualization of how Swarm Markets fits into the greater capital markets and blockchain ecosystem in a detailed post on LinkedIn.

Swarm Markets has gotten a lot of love on LinkedIn from true titans of crypto, like Alexander Hoeptner, CEO BitMEX.

The line between crypto and TradFi is getting blurry, not just because Swarm Markets is bringing together both sides of the finance industry, but also because more traditional finance industry professionals are moving into crypto. Iqbal Gandham is a great example. His experience at eToro and Nutmeg prepared him for a move to Ledger and underscores the value of his praise of Swarm Markets.

Crypto heavy hitters have also shown their support on Twitter. DeltaDAO board member Kai Meinke counts as one of our most vocal supporters.

Kyle Sonlin of STO Market clearly sees what Swarm Markets means for the future.

Crypto Media Recognition

Swarm Markets has also been written about extensively in the crypto media. We are particularly proud of the deep dive by Edward Robinson of the Defiant who really took the time to explain what new asset classes and a more inclusive exchange means for crypto.

Many people in crypto consider Swarm Markets’ destiny as a major crypto industry to be a near certainty. It’s for that reason that the crypto media has sought out the opinions of Swarm Markets founders for our opinions about major trends in crypto, like this article in Crypto News featuring our co-founder Philipp Pieper.

Of course, it’s helpful to Swarm Markets that we are regulated in a forward-thinking jurisdiction that is taking a prominent role in integrating crypto into the financial system. Naturally, CoinDesk reached out to Swarm Markets to write about the implications of a law which will bring $415 billion into crypto.

Mainstream Financial Leaders and Media

It’s often difficult for crypto projects to break into the consciousness of mainstream media consumers, but Swarm Markets’ relevance extends beyond the cryptosphere because we offer the only opportunity to participate in crypto and DeFi for many financial institutions and retail investors.

We may be relevant, but we still weren’t expecting the praise we received from They clearly expect big things from Swarm Markets and we plan to deliver.

Sometimes publications that may not have the largest reach are capable of penetrating highly specialized and lucrative markets. At $2000 per year, a subscription to Global Risk Regulator is not for the casual reader. However, we were honored to be featured in an publication that is read by the movers and shakers in the banking industry.

Being pioneers in the regulated DeFi space has also brought attention from top media outlets who recognize that Swarm Markets is an industry thought leader. CNBC is one of the largest and most recognized financial news outlets in the world. When a major DeFi story broke earlier this week, they went straight to Swarm Markets to publish our opinion.

When a managing director from Deutsche Boerse calls you out as “the future,” then you know you’ve done something right. It was a proud moment to have Jens Hachmeiser of Deutsche Boerse announce Swarm Markets to his network.

Bringing together the disparate worlds of crypto and traditional finance sometimes means communicating with people who don’t follow the same news media and social channels. We have a big tent to fill and we are building awareness and excitement not just for the SMT token, but for our entire unique platform.

Just consider what it will mean to enable a retail investor to become a lender and liquidity provider to a hedge fund — that’s a tectonic shift which will forever change the power structures of finance. Even if you haven’t yet considered all of the revolutionary long-term consequences of Swarm Markets’ innovations, rest assured the professionals whose job it is to plan for the future of finance are thinking about us.



Swarm Markets
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World’s first regulated DeFi platform. Securities & Crypto. Institutions & Retail.