Swarm is a foundational member of the Digital Currency Trade Association (DCTA)

Katerina Kan
3 min readNov 20, 2018


Welcome to your Swarm Newsletter for November 20th, 2018

In keeping with the objective to advocate for improved and more inclusive regulations for the new digital asset economy, Swarm has collaborated with other key industry players to form the Digital Currency Trade Association (DCTA). The objective of the association is to organize and educate on the benefits of blockchain technology.

Read the full announcement in the Digital Journal

Swarm makes first Masternodes rewards payout

Swarm has paid out a total of 308,000 SWM to 114 Swarm Masternodes operators as part of the incentive program it launched earlier this year. Swarmis the only security token blockchain that invites community members to set up masternodes, allowing them to earn income from building and supporting the infrastructure for investing, now and into the future. Offering full transparency to current and future masternode holders, Swarm has created a landing page that will publish the masternode rewards for the current month.

Interested in running a Swarm Masternode? Check out SwarmMasternodes.com for details on how to register. Questions and discussions are always welcome by the Swarm team and masternode operators in the official Swarm Masternode Telegram group.

Swarm Playground Opens with JS-SDK and Block Explorer

Over the coming weeks and by degrees, Swarm will continue to publish and share more documentation, tools, and starter projects. These will be available to the whole community with the aim of enticing and stimulating more ideation, creativity and activity around Swarm’s tools and infrastructure to surface even broader solutions.

Read about Swarm’s vision for developers in the full blog post here, written by Aaron Wood of the Swarm Product Team


Meet Timo Lehes & Chris Eberle on Facebook Live from Berlin

While visiting Berlin for a Swarm Leadership Summit to discuss product roadmaps and go-to-market strategies, Timo Lehes (Chief Investment Officer) and Chris Eberle (Chief Operating Officer) hosted a brief Facebook Live session. Watch the video to hear the latest updates on how Europe is way ahead of the US when it comes to crypto investing, and how Swarmmasternode operators are already enjoying the benefits of their stakes and receiving block rewards.

Watch the Facebook Live session from Berlin

Interested in meeting Swarm leadership in person?

Like any crypto enthusiast, the Swarm leadership team wants to be where the action is. They travel the world to attend events that allow them to interact with Swarm community members, investors and fund managers. If you are visiting any of the following events and would like to meet with Swarm, send an email to vivian@swarm.fund to coordinate a meeting.

November 20 / European Blockchain Association Meetup, Frankfurt, Germany — CEO Philipp Pieper (speaker)

November 23 / PricewaterhouseCoopers, Munich, Germany — Investing in Blockchain — Introduction to Tokens and ICOs — CEO Philipp Pieper (speaker)

December 5–6 / Western Non-listed Alternative Investment Product Symposium, Dana Point, California

December 7 / Crypto Pro Miami Art Week, Miami Beach, Florida — COO Chris Eberle (speaker)


Can’t get enough of crypto?

The Block has sorted the most relevant crypto media outlets into a clean diagram. It features a wide range of available channels for blockchain news and information. You can select from print, video and podcast content. We hope it will help you stay informed in this exciting industry.

Find the graphic here: Crypto Media Landscape by The Block

That’s all for now, community. On behalf of the team here in the United States, we wish you a happy Thanksgiving holiday this week, and hope you enjoy some nourishing times and delicious food with friends and family. We are thankful for your ongoing support in the global Swarm community. It’s been a great year, and the best is yet to come.

Your friends at Swarm


Questions? Contact us at swarm@swarm.fund, in Telegram 24/7, or via the Intercom Support box on the Invest platform.

Swarm is decentralizing finance as we know it.

We bring high-return alternative assets to everyone, all over the world.

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