Swarm makes trading security tokens easy — with Market Access Protocol (MAP)

Katerina Kan
5 min readSep 11, 2018


Welcome to your Swarm Newsletter for September 10th, 2018.

To trade security tokens compliantly, parties must confirm the credentials for each participant and adhere to token requirements and restrictions. Swarm has developed a solution to reduce the hassle. It is called Market Access Protocol (MAP). Participants ranging from exchanges, investors, and service providers can use MAP to interact more efficiently, knowing their privacy is protected and transactions are regulatory compliant. MAP is designed for the entire industry and will be a catalyst for the next wave of growth in crypto investing.

Read the full press release on our website, and watch our MAP video on YouTube.

Swarm Masternodes are here, and gaining momentum. Register today & start earning rewards

We are thrilled to have received over 100 wallets registered for Swarm Masternodes. If you would like to run a Swarm Masternode, you can register your staked wallet, signal your intention, and start earning rewards. 50,000 SWM is required to run a Masternode. Full instructions and FAQ are available at www.swarmmasternodes.com, and a detailed outline of the process can be found in our blog post.

Swarm brings liquidity to SRC20 security tokens by partnering with OpenFinance

Swarm entered into an agreement with the OpenFinance Network (OFN) to list all SRC20 security tokens on their platform. This partnership creates liquid secondary markets for investors in all of the investments tokenized on Swarm’s security token blockchain, allowing token holders to trade in and out of any investments at will. This agreement also means OFN will be the very first trading platform to integrate with Swarm’s revolutionary Market Access Protocol (MAP), a unified architecture that greatly simplifies the process of regulatory compliance, thus increasing the overall efficiency of the market.

Read the full announcement about our partnership with OpenFinance today.

Robinhood Equity Token lets you obtain a stake in fractional shares of private tech companies

Swarm investors have yet another investment opportunity to benefit from: the Robinhood Equity Token (RHET). It is a security token that derives its value from secondary acquisition of equity in Robinhood, Inc. As the first security token of its kind, RHET gains value from the price appreciation of shares in Robinhood, Inc. Secondary equities transactions and refinancing of legal entities which hold private company equity are not new in the United States. What’s new here is the tokenization of these assets, and the doors opened by this innovation. Token owners can now participate in the value creation of the very network they are part of. Read the full press release, and check out the investment opportunity on our platform.

Cast your vote on quorum and voting majority requirements for the Swarm democracy before September 16, 2018

At the outset, the Swarm Fund Organization was using a majority vote democracy for decisions regarded as central to the organization. This meant that more than 50% of the tokens in circulation were required for a vote option to become valid. With the increased utility of Swarm, leading to a more diverse SWM owner community, a vote has been called regarding a reduced quorum requirement for votes on Swarm.

If you hold SWM tokens in an ERC20 wallet, we invite you to cast your vote on the proposed new voting requirements. Take time to review the proposalsand follow the discussions, before participating in this groundbreaking decision. When you’re ready to vote, go to voting.swarm.fund and follow the instructions. The voting closes at 11:59pm Sep 16 2018.

Questions? Contact Swarm Support at invest.swarm.fund or ask your question in the Swarm Telegram channel where we have a 24/7 presence.

Meet Timo Lehes, Swarm’s Chief Investment Officer

In a YouTube interview with BlockWolf, Timo Lehes — Swarm’s Chief Investment Officer — shares how he got involved with Swarm and explains Swarm’s approach to governance and regulations. BlockWolf praises Swarm for offering the ability to trade in and out without time restrictions. Timo acknowledges this is a priority for Swarm. He comments: “We are partnering with the Security Token Exchanges in the US as well as Europe and Asia to ensure there is a possibility to exchange SCR20 tokens further down the line.” Timo expects there to be some tradability of security tokens in the US before the end of this year (Q4). Watch the BlockWolf interview. Want to see more of Timo? Watch his interview with Crypto Beadles — going strong at 45k views.

Meet Philipp Pieper at NEXT BLOCK conference in Sofia, Bulgaria — 14 September

The “NEXT BLOCK Conference — Evolution of Money” will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria on 14 September. NEXT BLOCK, which is organized by Krypton events, brings together the best minds, leaders, and visionaries from the crypto and blockchain space. For you, this translates into amazing networking opportunities and a chance to develop relationships that can make all the difference. Be sure to look for and meet with Swarm’s CEO Philipp Pieper who will be on stage at the event as a speaker, and available for 1:1 meetings.

For more information, check out NEXT BLOCK conference.

Watch Chris Eberle and Philipp Pieper discuss Swarm’s commitment to Social Good

In this Facebook Live session Swarm’s COO Chris Eberle and its CEO Philipp Pieper talk about how Swarm has attracted people who are drawn to impact investments. These are the people that want to invest in opportunities working to make the world a better place. Just like Swarm — a non-profit organization that strives to make the financial markets accessible to all investors, not just the wealthy ones. Philipp mentions FARM Coin as one of several examples to show what is meant by social good. Join the Swarm community to help drive the positive change.

Watch or listen to the replay of the Facebook Live event.

Thank you for reading this edition of Swarm Intelligence. As always, we appreciate your continued support.

Stay in touch with us on Telegram for a 24/7 conversation, and we’ll talk to you soon.


Your friends at Swarm


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We bring high-return alternative assets to everyone, all over the world.

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