Value of the SWM token. Swarm@CES. Product demo this week.

Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2018

Welcome to your Swarm Newsletter for January 14th, 2018.

Product On Schedule

We now have alpha in hand and are testing features including:

  • Fund managers’ ability to list funds onto the network
  • Investor ability to browse investment opportunities and commit capital
  • Governance subsystem integration, including the voting and discussion interface

We will be doing a live demo of the Swarm Platform this week in Miami at the North American Bitcoin Conference. Come see us at the show! Or stay tuned for updates on our social channels.

Buying and hodling SWM

The Swarm Token (SWM) is the essential element which powers the Swarm ecosystem. It was detailed in our white paper, and millions were purchased in our token sale. Sam Stone, with contributions from the entire Swarm team, put together a detailed blog post that lays it all down. SWM as Gas. SWM as Voice. SWM as Value. SWM is essential to every aspect of participation, governance, and incentive on the platform. SWM holders have utilized the token to govern the project since immediately after the token sale, and we are excited to share our detailed plan to build on that utility and value. Check it out on

Imagine Swarm

Keyboards were on fire this week in our Czech Republic office. As Sam was editing the above-mentioned Token post, his office mate Alexander Lieders shared his personal journey to Swarm, detailing what drew him to the project and where he sees it going. Take a read over on our blog.

Swarm in Vegas

In our last newsletter we detailed the schedule for Las Vegas, and it did not disappoint! There were so many great people and conversations at CoinAgenda and The Digital Money Forum.

A highlight was of course the Game of Coins panel on tuesday, where our CEO Philipp joined friends from Ripple, Overstock, Civic, and Bittrex in a rousing discussion moderated by the one and only Michael Terpin. From utility v. security to what gives a token value to 2018 predictions, it was a fun and informative panel to a standing room only crowd plus hundreds more on the live stream.

If you missed it, you can watch the panel in its entirety here:


Our New Website

As promised, our new website went live this past week as well. Same URL, same project, with new content areas and a new look & feel. We will grow the content over time, but are excited to share the new site with you all and would love feedback on what you’d like to see more of.

That’s all, folks!

Thanks for reading. If you have requests or ideas of what you’d like to see in this newsletter, hit us up on our social channels or on


Your friends at Swarm Fund


Swarm is the blockchain for private equity. We bring high-return alternative assets to everyone and use AI to continuously improve investments.
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