Debate on Innovation, Elon Musk, Effects of Abstaining From Facebook, Gender Bias

Learnings from what I am listening to, reading and watching in the past week

Swaroop B
2 min readJun 18, 2016




A debate between Peter Thiel and Marc Andreessen, who are Silicon Valley luminaries and epic entrepreneurs. Andreessen expects software to automate and ultimately dominate most other industries. Thiel argues in depth about what he considers the stagnation of innovation. If you interested in present day innovations or its lack thereof, this debate is for you.

Listening To

Listen to this. He is so calm about talking to colonizing mars and sending millions of tonne of cargo to mars. #Inspiration. I am unable to come to terms if making humans an interplanetary spieces is the pressing problem the world is calling to solve right now. May be he knows something that most of us don’t. First manned mission to Mars in 2024. Future is “out of this world”!


After just one week without Facebook, the group that abstained reported a significantly higher level of life satisfaction.

This article resonated well with me as I deleted Facebook app from my phone couple of months back. Now I find myself on Facebook once everyday. It feels good. I strongly believe that Facebook provides immense value for me personally by helping me connect but an overdose of it every time I had a free moment was not working out for me.


Here’s an old riddle. If you haven’t heard it, give yourself time to answer before reading the article below: a father and son are in a horrible car crash that kills the dad. The son is rushed to the hospital; just as he’s about to go under the knife, the surgeon says, “I can’t operate — that boy is my son!” Explain.

I totally flunked this one. My answer was step father :| More than 80% of the people don’t guess that the doctor could be his mother.

Until recently I always believed that I had not experienced gender bias around me. But the more I was conscious about it, more I saw unconscious gender bias. First step, be aware. Then we can work on it.

