$SWASH Staking: Launching the Native and Uniswap V3 NFT Liquidity Mining Reward Programs

5 min readOct 31, 2021


Swash smart contract address:

!! Do not trust any other addresses, always refer to official Swash sources.

Swash is available on Uniswap V3!

Uniswap v3 is a decentralized finance protocol that is used to exchange cryptocurrencies. Uniswap v3 is the most powerful version of the protocol yet, allowing for Concentrated Liquidity and enhanced capital proficiency for liquidity providers.

Keep reading for an overview of the reward programs plus a step-by-step walkthrough at the end of this blog!

Uniswap V3:

Market: Uniswap V3
Network: Mainnet
Address: https://app.uniswap.org/#/add/0xA130E3a33a4d84b04c3918c4E5762223Ae252F80/0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7/3000

There are also reward programs for both Swash native token staking and SWASH/USDT Uniswap LP token staking.

SWASH Reward Programs

The new Swash staking program is now live! Connect your wallet to start staking and earn rewards. You will see the pool info after connecting your wallet.

Staking is available on all 3 chains. Swash is available on (Ethereum, Polygon, and Gnosis Chain/xDai).

APY: 100%
Stake token: $SWASH
Rewards in: $SWASH
Lockup: 3 months
Cap on Ethereum: 4M
Cap on Polygon: 6M
Cap on Gnosis Chain/xDai: 2M

CLOSED — Swash Native Token Staking

Reward: 2,000,000 SWASH reward
APY: 80%
Duration: 90 days
Max Cap: 10,000,000
Opens at: 00:30:00 UTC on October 31 2021
Closes at: 00:30:00 UTC on January 1 2022 or when Max Cap is realised (whichever is sooner)
Lockup period: 90 days

While the $SWASH native staking pool is open, Stakers ($SWASH token holders) can come and stake their tokens.

The pool will be closed when the total amount of staked tokens reaches the Max Cap or by the end of day 5, whichever is sooner.

All of the staked tokens will then be locked for a period of 90 days. After 90 days, stakers can withdraw their staked $SWASH tokens and harvest their rewards.

CLOSED — SWASH/USDT Uniswap v3 LP Token Staking

Reward: 2,000,000 SWASH reward
APY: Dynamic
Duration: 90 days
Max Cap: No max cap
Opens at: October 31 2021 at 00:30:00 UTC
Closes at: After 90 days
Lockup period: Tokens can be withdrawn at any time

To participate in this pool, go to Uniswap and provide liquidity in the SWASH/USDT pool by creating a position in the Swash Uniswap v3 pool. The pool is available here.

This staking pool incentivises in-range liquidity provision on a Uniswap V3 pool. The implementation is based on the Uniswap V3 staker contract.

The pool returns an NFT token that shows that this user has provided liquidity on a specific range within the pool. Once received, the NFT token should then be staked in the native Swash LP staking pool, found here.

The pool calculates rewards based on the value and duration of the NFT tokens staked in the pool. $SWASH, can be withdrawn at any time.

How to Stake: Native

  1. Visit the Swash staking portal
  2. Click on ‘Stake’ on the panel on the left

3. Click on ‘Approve’ to allow the staking contract to transfer the token from your wallet

4. Confirm the approval transaction on MetaMask

6. Set the amount of $SWASH tokens that you want to stake

7. Confirm the staking transaction on MetaMask

8. You have successfully staked your $SWASH!

How to Stake: Uniswap V3 LP

  1. First, you need to provide liquidity for the SWASH/USDT pool on Uniswap V3. Don’t know how? Here is an article that explains how to do it
  2. Visit the Swash staking portal
  3. Click on ‘Stake’ on the panel on the right-hand side and wait for your LP tokens (NFT tokens) to load

4. Select one of the tokens to stake and click ‘Stake’

5. Wait for the confirmation to process

6. The token will then be transferred from your wallet to the staking pool

7. Your token will be removed from the list

How to Claim your rewards: Uniswap V3 LP

  1. Visit the Swash staking portal
  2. Click on ‘Unstake/Claim’

2. Click on ‘Claim’ and confirm the transaction

3. Wait for confirmation to process

4. Once processed, you have successfully claimed your rewards

About Swash

Swash is an ecosystem of tools and services that enable people, businesses, and developers to unlock the latent value of data by pooling, securely sharing, and monetising its value.

People share their data to earn while retaining their privacy. Businesses access high-quality, zero-party data in a sustainable and compliant way. Developers set up and build systems within a collaborative development framework with ease.

Swash is reimagining data ownership by enabling all actors of the data economy to earn, access, build and collaborate in a liquid digital ecosystem for data.

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