The Blessed One

Sandhya Pradhan
Swastha Naari
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2021

Milk-white teeth, chubby chicks, fluffy hair. He was a total fur ball. Cute, lovely, and kind at his heart.

He was the only one among his brothers to play dollhouse with his little sister and a superstar for his little sister. Goofing around, laughter surrounded wherever he went. People loved him and found him the cutest. But among his circle, he was the softest and light-hearted.

The end of his teenage years and life threw him with bombarding questions. Questions that he found difficult to answer. What is my true identity? Who am I? Is this me the real me? Such a thought cloud surrounded his mind.

He loved music the Best. It was his ultimate happiness. Whenever he found himself caught in the thought maze, he played music. Learning how to play musical instruments was like healing therapy for him and a way for his self-happiness.

Then, one day an individual came as a savior to him. The one he felt the most comfortable to be around. The one who freed him from his puzzling questions and level society has put upon him. He found himself more beautiful than ever he has been. More loving and charming than ever he has been for his entire life. The self-realization hit him like a thunderstorm however, it brought rainbows and unicorns in his life.

Picture source: (Pinterest)

He knew battle lay ahead of him. There was a great wall that may be bigger and stronger than that of China’s great wall. “The societal stigma and stereotype.”

But he knew in his heart, who he was, What he liked. And how his life looked like. And that was enough to form the strength and courage to stand up for himself. He carried pride in himself.

He was blessed to have his people around him who stood up to him through thick and thin In the long journey full of hardship and battle. He crumbled down, there was a sleepless night, he used to have a nightmare. Wherever he went he felt judging eyes on him. He knew the road ahead was not full of sunflowers but roses with thorns. And he needs to be strong and wise enough to make his next step so that he does not hurt himself anymore because of the third-party individual who is there to put a wall around him and limit his freedom.

Picture source: (Pinterest)

He said, “I am happy the way I am. I love myself each passing day more. I am more than just satisfied to discover myself and the way I am. So-called society calls it is not accepted. You are going against the natural law. But it’s you who is forgetting it’s a blessing that nature gave me a chance to be myself and not just an ordinary one but a special and blessed being.”

I was, I am, and I will forever carry pride in my sexuality.

It’s a blessing that I am one out of a million who can love another individual of the same sex and sexuality.

I am proud that I am gay.

Picture source: (Pinterest)

