Dictionary of Influencer Marketing

Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2019

Are you unsure on how to calculate engagement on social media? Are you lost when it comes to social media KPI? Then this article is for you! We have gathered the most important influencer marketing terms so you don’t miss any.

Let’s get started.

Reach: Number of people who have watched a publication or ad.

Impressions: Number of times a publication or ad has been viewed.

The difference between reach and impressions is that reach refers to how many people have viewed a publication while the same people might have viewed the publication more than once (impression). This suggests that we can reach 1000 people and have 2000 impressions impacting each user twice.

Engagement: Is the interrelation between the number of followers and the media publication interactions. (likes, comments, views).

Feed: Spot where profile publications are made. It can also be a set of profile publications as well.

Post: A social media publication.

Story: Instagram publication in a photo or video format . Maximum duration of 15 seconds and disappears in 24 hours.

Carrusel: Publication containing several photos or videos.

Tweet: A twitter publication.

Take over: Influencer collaboration with a company in which, for a certain period of time, the influencer “takes over” the company’s account as their own while posting instagram stories, facebook or youtube live sessions.

Vlog: Means “Video Blog” and its shared on youtube. Its a form of documentary of our day to day activities without filters. It’s usually made by an influencer when they are living through a special event or experience such as traveling, moving, pregnancy etc.

Haul: A video in which an influencer presents several products concerning the same concept.

For example, on a summer haul, an influencer may show seasonal clothing pieces or in Primark haul the influencer may show pieces of this brand only. This type of collaboration is particularly popular on the fashion & beauty industry and are usually published on youtube.

Dedicated post or video: A publication in which only one brand appears, and therefore, it is more expensive than those in which the influencer features several companies. When it comes to hauls, it is cheaper for products to appear in a “summer haul” along with other brands , than to make an exclusive haul for one brand only.

Home Tour: Video in which an influencer shows their house. It’s usually a good time to bring up collaborations with decoration brands and display their products with a casual approach..

Fee: Influencers compensation for carrying out the content agreed. It will depend on the number of their followers, engagement, specialised industry and sort of content created.

Handle: Name of the social media profile. For example Ikea´s handle is @ikea

If you are considering working with influencers, Sway Map can be of great help. Our influencer’s big data analysis tool helps you choose the most suitable profiles for your company. For more information, please visit our website.

In case you are interested in a 7 day free trial, you can request a demo through the following link.

We hope this post has been useful. If we overlooked any term feel, free to comment and it will be added.



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Swaymap analyses big data from influencers and brands worldwide.