Nike case study: influencer marketing

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3 min readSep 3, 2019

Each month, over 1000 influencers tag @nike on Instagram.

In this post, we analyse the brand’s different publications to demonstrate how the right choice of influencers can drastically change campaigns results.

For this exercise, we are going to use Sway Map, our big data analysis platform.

Sway Map Nike’s profile
Nike profile on Sway Map

By focusing only on posts made by influencers between 80K to 500K followers, we can see there are compelling differences between profiles with similar reach.

After a quick look at the results in Sway Map, we will precisely compare 16 post with our campaign tool.

Nike case study: data comparison
Nike campaign’s screen captures

As we observe on the image above, both campaigns have reached over a million users and the average number of followers per profile is similar.

However, we can see that the average number of likes in the first campaign is 1.500 while in the second campaign, with better selected profiles, likes exceeded the 30.000 per photo.

How come some influencers work better than others when they have the same amount of followers?

The key is in their follower’s loyalty and the quality of the content shared.

The loyalty is measured through the engagement, meaning the followers percentage interaction (likes views and comments) with profile publications.

When we hire an influencer, we don’t know how many sales will be generated but we can be aware of what level of engagement can be expected. The influencers selected on the first group have an average of 2% on their overall profile while the second group has a 12%. As for the campaigns the engagement is very close to their own: 1% for the first, 16% for the second.

If we hire an influencer with an overall good engagement, probabilities are that our collaboration with them throws good results as well.

The other fundamental topic is content quality.

These are the photos with low results. Products have poor visibility, image quality can be improved and above all, images are not very aspirational.

Here we can see the campaign photos with better results. In this case products have more visibility and the general aesthetics is more appealing. By creating better quality images, theses influencers accomplish more user interaction with their posts.

How can I apply this to my brand?

On your next campaign, use big data for thorough analysis on the influencers to be hired. In our platform, you can also evaluate their visual image and target. This will reassure you the chosen profiles are suitable.

For more information on Sway Map, please visit our website. You can also request for our platform 7-day trial by filling the following application form.



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Swaymap analyses big data from influencers and brands worldwide.