Going Beyond the Cloud: The Next-Generation Decentralized Storage

Denisa Paslaru
Published in
5 min readAug 6, 2019
Dare to go beyond the cloud. With SWAZM!

Developing With the End User In Mind — Usability and Function

Architecture has always been about space optimization in crafting the structures best fitting the usability of the buildings made. Exterior forms are just an expression of the raw function for which those spaces will serve. Each corner and beam are carefully calibrated in order to reflect the future needs.

None of the details are left to chance, as the spaces’ need to equally serve function, as well as form. Following this pattern, entire cities came to be, swarming around trade routes and central keeps and manors, coordinating economic operations and advancing the collaboration that lead to the build of society as we know it.

The digital age only moved location from offline to online. Structures are very similar. Many small projects, grouped around bigger ones — servers — centralizing data and creating informatic highways. But as with real-world communities, digital ones can suffer from monopolies, waste, unused resources that go bad, instead of being put to good use, plus an ever growing problem with storage space given the increasing need to keep data for application projects that serve designated business goals and operations. Our digital world is getting crowded.

We Are Running Out Of Space

Ever since 2015, concerns were raised about the fact that we are running out of storage space, and lots of solutions were proposed in order to help with the incoming shortage for our data.

What happens when you run out of space on any device? You begin optimizing either by erasing unnecessary information, or increase the available space, in order to suit your needs.

When you are a global — or even local, but large — company, deleting data is taken into consideration less and less, as either internal audits or five-year archives are needed in order to support the very existence of your business operations. Bluntly said, you need all the information you create.

Indeed, this created the storage problem in the first place, but as our world is becoming more interconnected, there is an urgent need for solutions to increase storage for expanding databases. Let’s get a bit further on this issue.

“The reason for this is the unimaginable pace at which we currently produce data. Each day, around 2.5 quintillion bytes of data is created, courtesy of the 3.7 billion humans who now use the internet. In the last two years alone, a mind-boggling 90 percent of the world’s data has been created. With a growing number of smart devices connected to the Internet of Things, that figure is set to increase significantly.” (Digital Trends.com)

It is estimated that by the year 2025, the world will create more bytes than our current capabilities could sustain. All that data will need to be stored, with a large amount of it being critical information. There was much hope put in cloud storage systems, but the problem arises with the centralization of these spaces. Having space, but on a possibly restrictive platform. The more data we create, the more we risk of running out of space, even in the cloud.

SWAZM — Going Beyond the Cloud

Imagine an infrastructure capable of supporting millions of users at a very high network speed. A decentralized architecture to enable horizontal scaling of DApps into mainstream usage. Issues like storage space, processing speed, quality data traffic can no longer be a problem, as SWAZM makes the development of your project possible, without worrying about backend or frontend details, letting you focus only on the features and advantages your future decentralized project can have on business objectives and clients. SWAZM is offering a turnkey storage space to expand any scalable and extended database-type project for your company.

The future of business is on the blockchain. Here’s what SWAZM can do for you in terms of storage, project scalability and process improvements. The storage capacity is built on unutilized compute capacities from computers that make-up your network, making use of available space that can be used to benefit your project build and maintained.

By using cryptographic hash functions, you can rest assured of the privacy of your data, as well as the collaborative experiences derived from a peer-to-peer network enhancing communications within your team. Not relying on a centralized storage space, the system can work faster and cheaper, streamlining the entire operations flow.

At SWAZM we build custom-tailored solutions serving as a platform for hosting and storage services, using all the available space, even residual computing and storage resources available on the blockchain network. We see computing power as digital currency, a resource that can be redistributed and aimed towards building hosting solutions for traditional web apps, have access to decentralized personal storage space, giving you more safety for highly private documents through the use of cryptographic storage tech.

“SWAZM resolves these issues by using a mix of custom-tailored solutions that will serve as the bedrock for next-gen hosting and file storage services able to tap into the vast amount of unused computing, storage, and bandwidth resources available” (Vali Malinoiu, SWAZM CEO)

Building a global market for storage and computing power in order to help the mainstream adoption of decentralized applications built on the blockchain can be the viable solution for an ever-shrinking available resource. By sharing computational resources, we can arrive at a more sustainable, cheaper and efficient digital economy.

By partnering with Maguay, one of the biggest server and storage suppliers in Europe, we work on expanding our network, through the use of the computational resources they provide. Vali Malinoiu, our founder and CEO, explained it best:

“We are very happy to launch this partnership with Maguay, and we want to use this collaboration as a success model for other data centers who are interested in joining SWAZM. Globally, between 40% and 60% of data centers are underutilized, and SWAZM can help these companies use and monetize non-marketed resources, while reducing waste of electricity and compute power.”

We are going beyond the cloud. Join us in the journey to decentralize the Internet as we know it. Welcome to SWAZM!

Come talk to us on Telegram, connect on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, visit our website and find out how can we best help your business operations.

About Swazm

SWAZM is the next-generation decentralized storage and compute platform, designed to enable horizontal scaling of distributed applications. SWAZM facilitates effective decentralization by creating a new complete infrastructure solution with a reliable transfer network, storage capabilities, and compute containers. Tailored solutions aiming to improve your decentralized project.

