How Does SWAZM Blockchain Help Data Centers Save Power and Money

Denisa Paslaru
Published in
4 min readDec 5, 2019
Decentralized structures can help data centers save money and power

Underutilized servers can hold data centers back financially. You can improve operations by eliminating unnecessary costs from unused and underutilized servers, by redistributing the CPU. This will allow for efficient power usage.

SWAZM is a distributed infrastructure of computing and storage. We make use of underutilized compute/storage space from existing data centers. Other than not serving a purpose, we also take into consideration the waste the data centers produce in creating all that compute power.

If all compute power and storage would be utilized, the amount of pollution resulting from data processing would be considerably smaller. The overall benefits will be lower electricity consumption, better use of financial resources, and a more sustainable society.

SWAZM aims to be a sustainable blockchain platform, making use of all the idle CPU power, helping with server cost reduction and less overall consumption waste. We built a blockchain computing and storage engine that can be used to develop, test build and deploy decentralized applications.

The reason we do what we do is to efficiently distribute CPU and GPU in order to save money with servers and electricity, as well as increase team productivity by allowing greater processing space/speed, through allocating compute power wherever it’s needed, using all the idle amounts of your servers.

Server waste refers to the underutilization, resources that sit idle, and all of this costing enterprises. Resources are strictly allocated, and they may not be used at some point. Meanwhile, somebody else within the traditional software architecture might need that GPU and not be able to access it. All this translating into a waste of money and a productivity issue.

Simultaneous usage of CPU and GPU can allow people to still have a certain allocated space/CPU, but if idle, other team or network members can make use of that capacity, so nothing gets wasted and the time spent working improves because processing speeds are constant. This, in turn, saves money for companies and increases productivity for teams.

Multiple containers on an infrastructure allow for simultaneous application development and deployment, leading to more efficient power and space usage for the respective software and owner company.

Big scale decentralized applications need microservice support to divide the workload across multiple CPUs or CPU clusters. SWAZM offers such a decentralized compute architecture, helping you do just that.

Providing the ecosystem needed to develop your next decentralized application with speed, space, and resources to scale it in a shorter amount of time than you used to up until this point.

A decentralized application project needs space to develop and scale, plus faster speed in order to work efficiently and deliver results for the business or project. It’s all about the output, and the experience your decentralized application provides to end-users, as well as to your in-house or outsourced developer team. Cost and time-effective.

The current cloud model is not optimized for the particular conditions needed by decentralized applications. SWAZM helps you by putting to good use the idle computing, storage, and bandwidth resources, as well as creating a unique marketplace for computing resources in the meantime.

We’re basically decluttering your decentralized application ecosystem.

Disk storage is not cheap, as it implies management, data center floor space, and electricity costs, which add up and prove inefficient in the long run. Storage space equals money, and with increased needs of disk space, costs go up. And you’ll tend to buy more space, wanting to make sure your app won’t run out of it.

Following this way of approaching things, our partnership with Maguay promotes it as a new business model that we are working towards. Our CEO and Founder, Vali Malinoiu, pointed this out by saying:

“We want to use this collaboration as a success model for other data centers who are interested in joining SWAZM. Globally, between 40% and 60% of data centers are underutilized, and SWAZM can help these companies use and monetize non-marketed resources while reducing waste of electricity and compute power.”

In turn, Eduard Pughin, General Manager, Maguay Computers backed Vali’s statement with an optimistic outlook on the business model we started:

“We see this collaboration as a natural extension of the areas where Maguay operates and innovates. SWAZM is an innovative solution in which we see a lot of potential both from the perspective of using the solution within our own data centers, as well as integrating it into interesting projects.”

We see computing power as digital currency, a resource that can be redistributed and aimed towards building hosting solutions for traditional web apps, have access to decentralized personal storage space, giving you more safety for highly private documents through the use of cryptographic storage tech.

SWAZM makes the development of your project possible, without having to worry about backend or frontend details.

The storage capacity is built on unutilized compute capacities from computers that make-up your network, making use of available space that can be used to benefit your project build and maintained.

By partnering with Maguay, we will have more computational resources available, and thus able to scale any future decentralized project. We are proposing an alternative business model, focusing on coming together to share and build resources in order to transform the future of the digital world.

From us to you… the hero brands and individuals of this world we live in! We’re empowering decentralization. Come join us on Telegram, connect on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, visit our website and find out how can we best help your business operations. Become a part of the SWAZM culture.


SWAZM is the next-generation decentralized storage and compute platform, designed to enable horizontal scaling of distributed applications. SWAZM facilitates effective decentralization by creating a new complete infrastructure solution with a reliable transfer network, storage capabilities, and compute containers. Tailored solutions aiming to improve your decentralized project.

