This is SWAZM

Rouă Denis
Published in
3 min readNov 13, 2018

Mission Statement

Without farming, there would be no cities; without the wheel, there would be no cars; without Bitcoin, there would be no blockchain. So too does SWAZM wish to be the tool that enables others to bring their dreams into reality and change the world with them.

Behind the technology; at its heart, SWAZM is a platform for decentralizing applications.

We aim to become a turnkey blockchain infrastructure solution, able to better support an ever-growing multitude of applications that are interested in shifting towards decentralization — DApps — as well as providing interoperability between disparate blockchains and building a true universal decentralized ecosystem.

In short, SWAZM intends to become a ‘new Internet’, one able to power the decentralization wave.

Current blockchain network issues

There are several problems that SWAZM needs to tackle in order to become the premiere blockchain solution.


We must go beyond the cloud — modern applications have shown the limitations of cloud storage models, namely those of dependence on location and load balancing issues. SWAZM intends to resolve these issues by using a mix of custom-tailored solutions that will serve as the bedrock for next-gen hosting and file storage services able to tap into the vast amount of unused computing, storage, and bandwidth resources available.

Importantly, SWAZM aims to also make use of the massive unused storage capacity that other solutions have overlooked — both on common devices, as well as in data centers.


A modern blockchain infrastructure needs to be able to handle up to millions of users, requesting simultaneous processes that need to be served latency-free, ensuring continuous delivery of services, without downtime. This issue extends to ensuring that continuous delivery standards are upheld; that businesses and developers alike have the flexibility to update their applications or deploy patches on the fly.

Currently-available models have simply lacked the technological aptitude to scale up as much as demand would require (much of this being due to hardware limitations) — however, in our recent tests, we have managed to successfully provide as much as 2 million transactions per second on a test cluster (link), using a benchmark tool (link).


Large-scale applications are in need of approaches that make more efficient use of current computing hardware, thus we will implement microservice support, which divides workloads across multiple CPUs or clusters of CPUs, distributing computing across a wide range of devices.


A true blockchain ecosystem needs to allow separate blockchains to use each other’s datasets and thus enable cross-chain communication — this is a key issue that is still lacking in most of today’s blockchain platform offers. SWAZM aims to provide such inter-blockchain communication via specialized endpoints, combined with Merkle tree transaction history tracking and agnostic language support functionality.

SWAZM’s architecture solutions

While approaching these problems, SWAZM uses a diverse toolset to resolve various complications and bottlenecks associated with the presented issues, while at the core of the network lie four key architectural pillars:

  • SWAZM Data Transfer Socket (SDTS) — a robust protocol that aims to offer latency-free data transfer while also offering bleeding-edge-optimized allocation of hardware resources
  • SWAZM Data Storage Layer (SDSL) — a decentralized database and storage layer that is capable of handling large volumes of structured data across clusters of commodity servers; it organizes data and assures ACID transactions for all operations
  • SWAZM Compute Layer (SCL) — a layer that allows DApps running on the network to be encapsulated in a SWAZM Container; specifies and controls the configuration, execution environment, and lifecycle of any DApps using it
  • SWAZM Vault Permission System (SVPS) — a digital entity that can issue, manage and revoke digital certificates; offers a unique solution for projects that rely on third parties, such as developers and contractors

Going where no DApp has ever gone before

As an all-in-one solution, the SWAZM network intends to encompass the widest possible range of blockchain-powered DApps, but the first project to find its home on the network will belong to our partners at Restart Energy. The Restart Energy Democracy (RED) Platform is an energy trading application that will be able to scale to a worldwide userbase of millions, simultaneously, in a fully-transparent and efficient manner, while offering unparalleled speed and network security.

SWAZM — A new Internet to power the decentralization wave.



Rouă Denis
Writer for

Bilingual crypto content editor & 4x blockchain project veteran. Summary: aspiring husband, gamer, NWOBHM fan, loves cats (and the feeling is mutual), humanist.