Cheat Sheet for Weird Flutter Errors

Skip the step of reading unrelated StackOverflow answers

Tianhao Zhou
SWE Cheat Sheet
2 min readJan 14, 2020


This post started as a future reference for all the weird Flutter errors I have encountered and resolved.

Unlike most posts, this one is an ever-growing list as long as I’m still exploring Flutter. Feel free to respond with Stack Overflow question links, GitHub issue links or simply errors to help grow the list further.

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  • Removed the post from paid membership only content as cheat sheets are for everyone and should be free ;)

Your Flutter app refuses to talk to your local backend server

Error message when using Firebase Emulator Suite:

Root cause: iOS by default disallow insecure Http connection.

Resolution: add localhost to Http whitelist by appending the following snippet in [flutter_app_root]/ios/Runner/info.plist :

Flutter complain about a generated plugin file

The error message looks like:

Root cause: generated_plugin_registrant.dart is a generated file for early-stage web support adoption, but flutter analyze is not ready to recognize this file.

Compilation failure: missing/mismatched transitive dependency

The error message looks like:

Root cause:

Resolution 1: flutter pub upgrade (one-time fix)

Resolution 2: add the following to pubspec.yaml (band-aid fix)

Photo by Daniel Cheung on Unsplash

