TOKENOMICS UPGRADE: The $SWEAT minting window is now in your hands! Vote live.

Sweat Team
Sweat Economy
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2024

Ready to redefine $SWEAT’s minting window?

We’re all about getting you moving and earning for your efforts. After listening carefully to community feedback about the current $SWEAT minting window, particularly that it might not be fairly rewarding those who truly get their sweat on, the new upcoming DAO vote is expected to result in a 30% reduction in monthly $SWEAT minting, shaping the future and value of $SWEAT!

Vote now

The Challenge:

Right now, you can earn $SWEAT for every step you take between 0–5,000 steps daily (or 6,000 for Premium users).

While this system aims to motivate everyone to get off the couch and move a little, it might actually penalize those who go above and beyond their daily step goals.

Essentially, the more you move, the less valuable each individual step feels in terms of $SWEAT earnings.

The Solution:

More Rewarding Activity for Dedicated Movers

The current system rewards steps up to a daily limit of 5K, potentially discouraging those who walk further. The new SWEAT Community DAO proposal addresses this by focusing rewards on users who actively move and reach higher step goals.

Key Improvements:

  • Increased Earning Potential: Users who reach new daily walking thresholds (3,000–10,000 steps, or 20,000 for Premium) will earn significantly more $SWEAT (approximately 40% daily increase).
  • Focus on Active Users: Inactive users who walk less than 3,000 steps daily will no longer mint $SWEAT (which will vastly decrease minting of new $SWEAT)
  • Sustainable Ecosystem: By not rewarding inactivity, we anticipate a 30% reduction in monthly $SWEAT emissions and minting, benefiting the overall health of the ecosystem by reducing the amount of new $SWEAT minted into circulating supply.

*Note, all data is based on the amount of currently Minting Users, and their activity levels. This does fluctuate, so results may vary.

The DAO Vote:

The SWEAT Community came up with a DAO proposal that would reward active strides.
Here’s the proposal:

Option 1: Minting $SWEAT would begin at 3,001 steps and extend up to 10,000 daily steps. Premium users would benefit from an extended window, earning from 3,001 to 20,000 steps.

  • Impact: This shift would prioritize those who actively pursue their fitness goals, aligning perfectly with our mission of making movement valuable.
  1. The proposed change will reward those who are more active rather than those who walk very little, aligning strongly with SWEAT’s mission to make your movement increasingly valuable
  2. The proposed change is likely to REDUCE overall token emissions and minting, thus further restricting token supply
  3. The proposed change will increase $SWEAT’s value perception, as one needs to walk a minimum of 3K steps to START minting $SWEAT

Option 2: Maintaining the status quo

  • Choice: Keep the current system where $SWEAT is earned for every step taken up to 5,000 per day.
  • Impact: While familiar, this option wouldn’t address the SWEAT Community’s concerns about potentially undervaluing dedicated movers and wouldn’t positively impact token emissions or $SWEAT’s value perception.

Ready to shape the future of SWEAT? Cast your vote now.

Your Voice

SWEAT continues to keep our community at the core. We held a Twitter (X) Space on the 19th to discuss the vote and answer any further questions. Did you miss it? Don’t worry — you can play the recording here.

The Sweat Team

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Sweat Team
Sweat Economy

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