Gratitude in Action: 7 Journal Prompts to Cultivate a Thankful Mindset

Mo Waller
Sweet Soul Therapy
Published in
Apr 8, 2023

Are you looking for a simple yet powerful way to boost your happiness and well-being? Look no further than practicing gratitude. Taking time each day to appreciate the good things in your life can have a profound impact on your mindset and overall happiness. But where do you start? Don’t worry I’ve done the work for you! Here are seven journal prompts that will help you cultivate gratitude and reap its many benefits. So grab your notebooks and write these down!

1. What person are you grateful for?

2. What memory are you grateful for?

3. What obstacle are you grateful for?

4. What experience are you grateful for?

5. What place are you grateful for?

6. What object are you grateful for?

7. What opportunity are you grateful for?



Mo Waller
Sweet Soul Therapy

Writer. Mental Health Professional. Human. Optimistic Realist.