Steve Jobs’ Galactic Signature

Sweet Synchronicity
4 min readFeb 25, 2015


The impact Steve Jobs has had on my own psyche is greater than I traditionally like to admit to anyone, except perhaps my wife. But in his honor on his birthday, I wish to pay a brief tribute to a man who has inspired me more than perhaps any other in the modern era. In this, I know I am not alone.

This tribute would not have been if it weren’t for a synchronous alignment that I do not understand, but am left to grapple with; and you, as a reader, are now invited to join me.

This morning, I was continuing my self-education on the 13 moon Calendar and the Law of Time on my Mac Pro while sipping green tea. I decided to re-visit my Galactic Signature, which is essentially a data set coded into a date of birth. My signature is this:

kin 26: White Cosmic World-Bridger
I Endure in order to Equalize
Transcending Opportunity
I seal the Store of Death
With the Cosmic tone of Presence
I am guided by the power of Heart

Feeling a connection to this reading, I wanted to contextualize it with someone else’s signature. What is Steve Jobs birthday?, I wondered in a new tab in a Google search bar.

Google showed me this, in response:

Oh my, Steve’s birthday is TODAY! How weird that the one day of the year I decide to lookup Steve’s birthday would be his actual birthday?? Adding to the intrigue of the moment, I found myself wearing one of five long-sleeve black mock necks that I own — a clear and unabashed imitation of the man in reference.

Like many of you, it is Steve’s unrivaled visionary qualities, passion, enthusiasm, and charisma that have drawn me in so deeply. These attributes I have witnessed almost soley from video interviews and Apple keynote presentations available online; In every instance, his unique imprint shines through.

But there is one reference point I have with the man that I have rarely spoken of. A dream experience that I had in September of 2011.

I remember springing out of my bed in very good spirits on this particular morning. As I was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for Brooke and I, a glance into our bedreoom at the still unmade bed served to aid me in recalling the source of my seemingly unfounded exuberance: I had taken a walk with Steve in a dream! While the particulars of this dream remain somewhat veiled, I can still recall the distinct joy of being invited by a warm and grinning Steve Jobs, on a walk down a shaded path on a sunny day in an unknown forest. He extended his arm over my shoulder in a welcoming embrace and told me that my work was important, and that I should persist with it no matter what.

“No wonder I feel so good!”, was my immediate recognition. For me, this dream stands tall above all others, and has helped provide me with stamina to stay curious and continue the pursuit of creating unique artistic works, which have largely been oriented towards the digital canvas’ left behind by Steve.

Maybe this is how God works; We are given what we need in the way that we need to receive. These signs often arive through some form of synchronicity. For me, taking a walk with Steve is one of the most cherished experience’s I could have imagined. The fact that this experience occured in a dream hasn’t diminished it’s unmistakeable impact in my life.

Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Stay connected with your dreams. There, you will find everything you need to endure.

Maybe this is how God works; We are given what we need in the way that we need to receive. These signs often arrive through some form of synchronicity.

Steve’s Galactic Signature, according to the 13 moon Synchronometer:

Galactic Moon day 18
Year of the Red Magnetic Moon

kin 162: White Rhythmic Wind
I Organize in order to Communicate
Balancing Breath
I seal the Input of Spirit
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality
I am guided by my own power doubled

The video below is probably one of the best and most unique tributes to Steve that I have found. The audio is created using only sounds from a Mac, and it’s incredibly beautiful.



Sweet Synchronicity

Matthew is an artist and creative rethinking everything. He is cofounder of Behere — where the future of work and education meet.