5 Psychology Secrets For Impactful Web Design: Expert Opinion Of Our Team

Kateryna Bibik
Sweetcode Lab
Published in
4 min readDec 9, 2020

People are used to thinking of design as only artistic, but there is much more standing behind it because what people see and feel are two different things.

Two main things are an aesthetic experience and the psychological part. Good design necessitates both, so we think that designers need more than a basic understanding of psychology for their work to have a significant result.

Use the following 5 psychology secrets to strengthen your knowledge of psychology in the website’s design.
Sure, a website’s goal can vary, but psychology will always play an essential role in whether the site can engage potential audiences.

1. Mental triggers

Triggers are anything that sparks us to complete a particular action. They tell us what to do next and come in the form of internal and external stimuli.

Spencer Lanoue showed “Psychological Triggers That Make UX Design Persuasive” from an academic research standpoint for you.

  • Do something for other people. And they will return the favor. Look at the example above, take the quiz, and you can save money.
  • People look at the behavior of others. When they are not sure how to act, including a social stream in your design makes users feel like part of a bigger group.
  • Users want what they can’t have. The scarcity principle is why limited-time deals work so effectively.
  • Users tend to fall in the middle when it comes to making choices.
  • People are drawn to what is relevant to them right now. Consider beacons, notifications, or check-in tools to be in the moment.
  • People remember elements that stand out. Use contrast to create focus.
  • People require timely feedback.

2. The main rule is “Humans Come First”
The problem designers most often encounter when they don’t think of users as real, living people.
Look, try to create a user persona in your mind. It will help eliminate guessing and will allow design with their needs in your mind.

3. Visual communication is a universal language
A pro designer knows the deeper meaning behind visual elements like line, shape, tone, color etc. Rounding out a corner or shifting a piece a millimeter to the left can potentially change the image’s re meaning.

The meaning of this visual element is deeply rooted in psychology. For example, red is usually associated with blood, making it more relevant to emergencies, warnings, and alertness. And if you think that you ignore such things, your human instincts subconsciously pick up on what images communicate.

4.Comfort, that’s what any people seeks

The higher the level of comfort provided, the higher the user engagement.

Some elements cannot be changed during the design process, such as device type and screen size. However, you may affect how things are rendered and how comfortable it is to use the design in different environments — don’t confuse visitors about where to look and use a visual hierarchy to indicate the importance of various elements.

Contrast stuff gains attention. But make sure that the color mixing does not irritate.

Using repetitive elements can make visitors subconsciously identify where similar content can help guide them through the site. The designer does not always control it, but the number of content and options displayed on the website should be moderate to avoid overwhelming visitors.

Make the visitor’s journey on your website easy and comfortable. The decision path should be intuitive to the user and almost natural.

5.Emotional connection
Pay attention to an emotion that should be conveyed in the project. Don’t concentrate on trying to create multiple emotional experiences. Make one exceptionally well.

So, friends, remember that design is always about people. Understanding how your fellow humans think is the first step in creating designs that appeal to them. Use the above tips as a jumping-off point to learn more about merging design with human behavior.

When you are looking for a professional team to create intuitive, comfortable, and mind-catching designs, contact us — hello@sweetcode.pro. We will do it

