5 Steps to Write About a Complex Subject in a Simple Way

Kateryna Bibik
Sweetcode Lab
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2020

Surely everyone would like to write only about what you like and on ton topics in which you are a professional. It’s always a pleasure to write, read, and add to a portfolio. But the fate of a copywriter, bloggers, marketing managers is such that sometimes it is necessary to involve the reader with texts about biotech, space, or genetics.

We will tell you how to write about a complex subject so everyone will understand you, whether your grandma, Gen Z, or your boss.

Step 1
Understand Your Topic

Explore different sources related to your topic before writing.

And this is not a problem if you are still a beginner in the topic — this will help avoid the “Curse of knowledge.” When you know more about a product than your target audience, forgetting that people may not understand you. You need to explain things in the simplest terms, but without boring readers so quickly that they leave and go search for something else to consume.

Step 2
Understand Your Audience

If you don’t understand where the audience ‘is at,’ you can’t begin to help them understand. You’ll be too lowbrow and insult them, or too highbrow and leave them dazed and confused.
Get to know who they are: What’s most important to them? What is their problem? And How you can solve it. What motivates them? What’s their background? How do they prefer to communicate? What “language” do they tend to use?

Step 3
Choose the “One Thing” They Should Understand

Look, if something is too complicated, trying to tackle too much at once, it’s the wrong way. People are most likely to be confused by it, or worse, forget about it. Asking yourself these two questions:

– If my audience will only remember one thing about my explanation, what is that “one thing?”

– Why should my audience care about this “one thing?”

It instantly creates focus for you to pick and choose the information you deliver (and how you deliver it) and makes it more likely your audience will get what you’re trying to say.

Step 4
Don’t Forget About Structure

Start with a situation known to the reader. When people see something familiar, they are willing to listen. Then move on to the subject of the article: explain what the essence is, give details, visual details. Move from simple to complex.
In the central part, explain everything with examples, especially tips, abstract concepts, and terms.
In the final, give a checklist or short plan, where the thesis repeat everything described in detail above.

Step 5
Give Context and Use Examples

The way you frame your information matters -the language, terms, and examples you choose to use will have a huge impact on what your audience remembers and understands. Moreover, examples help you draw a picture in your head, visualize how it works, and understand what happens if your advice is not followed.

We know that breaking down complex ideas can be extremely challenging, especially when working with someone who has no background at work or who is entirely unrecognized in your topic. But as long as you focus on the essential information, know your audience, check your text for more simple language, give context, and use examples, you can make them on the same page as you.

