How to help the designer make the logo you want?

Anastasia Statkevich
Sweetcode Lab
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2020
logo dream sweetcode lab

A good logo is an important component of the success of your business.

Why is it essential to devote a lot of time and effort to develop a logo and corporate identity? It would seem that it is not difficult to come up with some drawings. But, when a designer is working on creating a logo, he must keep in mind a lot of information, which, in turn, you, the customer, must provide. What is this information:

1. What exactly is your company doing?
It is the most critical information, without which no designer, even the most ingenious, can make a good and high-quality logo for you.

2. What is the positioning of the company?
There are a vast number of articles and even books on how to position a company in the market correctly. You must know your competitors well and understand which niche you want to occupy. Will your services be premium or economy class.

3. Gender and age of your potential customers?
All this affects both the logo (form) and the selected colors.

4. Competitors.
Repeating competitor logos is not worth it (it is merely not excusable. If you want to be unique and remembered for your consumer, you need to develop your logo. It is for this that you need to understand well what is already on the market so as not to repeat itself.

5. Сorporate colors.
If you already have some corporate colors and you want to update your logo, you need to provide all the information about your existing corporate identity. Then, it will be easier for the designer to orient in what you want from him.

Of course, this list can be made even more. The principle is this: the more information you provide, the more accurate the results will be.

Logo is subject to change

Do not think that having developed a logo, it forever. No, logos are changing, remember the Apple. These guys started with a whole picture, which depicted Newton sitting under a tree. And will look at their logo now is the ideal of minimalism and style. But, if you think about it, they came to the “apple” quickly and modified it according to the trends of the time.

It is normal when you change your logo, and the main thing is that it becomes not worse, but better.

2020 Trends in Design

Now there is no one particular direction that you need to adhere to when designing. It is good, because there is a large selection of this or that style, and you do not have to push yourself into tight frames. Let’s look at the latest design trends:

1.Minimalism. It is what remains in the trends for a very long time.

2.Shadows and gradients.

3.Custom fonts.

4.Animated logos.

5. Neon.

SweetcodeLab worked on developing a corporate identity and brand. For example, projects Shhh … or Redefined. We track and follow the latest trends. Contact us, and you will be in safe hands!

If you have already thought about developing a logo, fill out our brief and we will begin cooperation.

