What to do if there is a startup idea?

Anastasia Statkevich
Sweetcode Lab
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2020
startup idea

What to do if there is a startup idea, but there is no precise understanding of how to bring it to life?

To see the potential of a project (startup), companies develop an MVP. That is simple applications or sites with limited functionality. But this doesn’t mean that this application should be raw. It will be the basis for a full-fledged project. Several principles will help you build your work with MVP correctly to get the best result.

Schematic approach in startup.

Schematic approach in startup

For a project to be consistent, you always need to think through a usage pattern. It may be a chart on paper with a bunch of arrows and strikethroughs, but with its help, it will be easier for you to explain what you want to get as a result.

Easy navigation.

If you want the application (site) for your store/delivery, etc. to be accepted by users, you need to make it logical. Often, if the developer thinks that everything on the site is evident, for the user, it will not be so. Firstly, you should simplify everything possible. Secondly, use a large number of hints. And thirdly, let people who do not know of the application’s functional test it.

The app speed should be high.

It applies not only to development but also to design. Very often, when creating a layout for a new application (website), a creative person (designer) is carried away. He makes him beautiful but heavy. If you can use text instead of graphics — do it, if you can reduce the size of the code — do It too.

Tracking competitors.

The owner of the startup needs to know the strengths of its competitors. You can talk as much about how good your application is, but if you know how you can do it even better, this will be a plus. If any popular feature in the competitor’s app, its beneficial function. Of course, you should not wholly copy, but do not forget the expression “Steal like an artist” (It is very appropriate here).

Immediately you need to think about adaptive for your startup.

Immediately you need to think about adaptive for your startup

In the process of developing an application (website), you always need to remember that it will be used on different devices. It is necessary to make the design adaptive and immediately tweak several versions of the application so that there are no difficulties when working on Android and iOS. It also applies to tablet.

Good marketing for startup.

When you are just new to the market, you should remember about marketing. You need to spend a lot of effort in this area, even more than on the development itself.

Of course, these principles are not the only ones, and they do not promise a win-win market entry, but you need to pay attention to them. We have already worked on MVP projects and know how to make them understandable and straightforward in a short time. So, if you have a unique idea, but need help in implementing it, we’ll be happy to help you.

