The speaker’s Swenson list

Kevin Le Goff
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2019

We ask speakers to do a talk they have never done before. To open up. To be vulnerable. We don’t expect sleek over rehearsed presentations and we don’t offer speaker coaching.

The best speakers are the ones who open up and tell their story in a natural way and talk from the heart. Often it’s the speakers who are a little nervous or might be telling their story for the first time, who deliver the best talk.

Humility — Vulnerability — Honesty

Here is the Swenson list we send to speakers

1/ Tell your story. Members want to see the human behind your story. Let them in

2/ Don’t do the same old talk that you always do. It’s time to leave your comfort zone.

3/ Tell us your struggles as well as your successes. Warts & all. Failure is often a better teacher than success.

4/ Don’t read it. Let it flow from the heart. You’ll touch more people that way.

5/ Tell us your dreams, your passions, what you stand for. Tell us about your crazy new idea or your brave new thinking. We need to know what drives you.

6/ Be an entertainer. We cover some serious subjects but it doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. Entertainment is good. People learn while laughing.

Looking to join the community as a member ? Email me and let’s talk about who you’d like to sit next to at diner.




Kevin Le Goff

Co-Founder of Swenson Global |•#Creativity•#Passion•#Surf•#Dad