Introducing Octopus Trade on SWFT Blockchain

The best prices from all around the cryptocurrency market

SWFT Blockchain
SWFT Blockchain
3 min readJan 15, 2020


SWFT Blockchain introduces a new way to trade while getting the best prices from all around cryptocurrency market

Trading cryptocurrencies at the best prices is hard. First, you need to scour different exchanges looking for the best prices. Then you need to send your funds from your wallet to the exchange with the best price. By the time your funds arrive, the prices will have probably changed and the price you first saw is probably not available anymore. At the end of the day (almost literally), you will realize you’ve lost time (and maybe even some money) while trying to do the exact opposite.

At SWFT Blockchain, we set out to change that. We first introduced simple cryptocurrency swaps at the best rates so you wouldn’t have to spend time looking for the best prices. We then made instant swaps a reality by introducing a mobile wallet so you could swap without having to worry about addresses or blockchain congestions.

Today, SWFT Blockchain is introducing a new way of trading cryptocurrency at the best possible prices. We’re launching a cryptocurrency trade aggregator that will give you access to live prices and buy and sell orders from all over the cryptocurrency market. This way, you’ll be able to benefit from the prices on exchanges like Binance, Huobi, OKEx and more without having to have different accounts or constantly move your funds between them in pursuit of the best prices. Instead of trading on one exchange at a time, you’ll be trading on dozens of exchanges with only one account.

You’re probably thinking, “best prices in the market with only one account, how is this possible?”

It’s actually pretty simple. Let’s say you tried to get the best prices all by yourself. You would have to have a ‘hand’ in many of the top exchanges in the crypto market (and some smaller ones too!). But you only have two hands, and therefore can only pull prices from two exchanges at the same time. We don’t blame you, you’re only human. And therein lies the difference. We’ve got ‘hands,’ or in our case, ‘tentacles’ all over the crypto market. In fact, if we were an animal, we would probably be an Octopus. That is why we are calling this new trading tool, the SWFT Octopus Trade.

While there are plenty of fish in the sea, only one sea creature lets you be in multiple places at the same time. We know that there are plenty of exchanges in the crypto market, but only SWFT Octopus Trade will let you trade on different exchanges at the same time.

Ramble Lan, CEO of SWFT Blockchain

SWFT Octopus Trade is now available in the Trade section on the SWFT Blockchain app on the iOS App Store and on Google Play.

As of launch, there are markets available for USDT, BTC, ETH. USDT has 14 trading pairs, BTC has 10 trading pairs, and ETH has 8. A SWFTC market and more overall pairs are coming soon.

About SWFT Blockchain

Founded in 2017, SWFT Blockchain is a next-generation, worldwide cross-chain transfer protocol and payment network. SWFT Blockchain’s technology combines blockchain, machine learning and big data to enable direct swaps between nearly 200 cryptocurrencies at record speeds. SWFT Blockchain’s wallet app features one-click in-wallet transfers, decentralized transfers, red packets, and peer to peer payments using SWFT Pay; offering a fast, affordable, and secure cryptocurrency experience. Meanwhile, SWFT Blockchain’s cryptocurrency transfer protocol enables users of some of the top cryptocurrency wallets to swap cryptocurrencies at the best rates, with record speeds and super low fees, without leaving their wallet. SWFT Blockchain has received funding from top VCs, including Draper Dragon and was in the first cohort of startups at Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator. SWFT Octopus Trade is the newest addition to the SWFT Blockchain product family and the best tool to trade cryptocurrencies at the best prices on multiple exchanges at the same time.



SWFT Blockchain
SWFT Blockchain

The next-generation cross-chain cryptocurrency transfer protocol. Swap between hundreds of crypto directly! Learn more & download @