It would be every student’s dream to study as less as they could and score as good as they could. Well in ancient times there was a theory of working hard but now in this fast-moving world if you are not working “smart” then you will definitely going to have a tough time competing with your classmates or friends. Name any author, A scientist, or a renowned researcher and read about them and you will find the only reason they succeed as they have not accepted the conventional ways taught to them rather created and developed their methods and tricks to bring ideas onto papers or did a research in their own way. In today’s era to different is a sure-shot method to win provided how serious you are on what you like. We know that it’s not going to be very easy and it looks like but we assure that in the end your consistency and dedication will take you to heights.

After a lot of research along with the subject specialists and with extra-ordinary students we compiled 5 great hacks that can make your grades reach heights and can perform extra-ordinary.

• First thing First Know your Learning Style

In a class of 50, you ask a general question along with the reasoning, pretty much the answer would be the same but the approach would be different which concludes that no two students think alike until they are been asked to mug up which was a conventional learning method. Before start learning, you need to first understand which method is easy for you and For eg. Some are “Visual Learners” who learn best by seeing and would love to see diagrams, videos, and patterns. Some students are “Auditory Learners” who learns best by speech, music, or rhymes and you may have seen many students who mumble or reads loud when they are studying which is an auditory method to learn topics and subjects and the last and the most important is “Kinesthetic Learners” who retain pieces of information by doing rather than viewing or listening like role-playing, building models or diagrams.

Initially, it will be not an easy task but gradually with conscious efforts, you need to understand which will be the best method for you to adapt by practicing that which method suits you the best and continue to learn fast with the method.

• Chew Gum When Studying

Yes, this might look like a funny method to improve grades but studies have shown that when you chew gum your focus and concentration are boosted by up to 18%. Don’t believe us, learn a topic while chewing gum, and after some-time do a mock test while chewing gum and you will understand that all the topics that you have remembered while chewing gum was easy for you to remember. You might also have encountered few students chewing gum during their papers because chewing gums while studying forms a connection between the brain that will help you remember those topics while you were studying and chewing gum at the same time. This study secret hack is called “Context Dependency”.

• Try Studying In a New Space

It’s a human tendency that sitting at one place every day for learning something new makes you dull and distracted and which hampers your efficiency. Therefore to cope up with this situation aim to switch up where you study on a daily basis. The result of this change in place will force your brain to form new memories every time and due to which you will tend to retain and remember new materials which means studying a new topic at a new location can help you remember better. It’s a small secret to memorize tough chapters and exercises that smart students follow.

• Don’t Read your Text Book!

Yes, You absolutely read that right. Imagine how boring is to study from the same book with black and white dull-looking pages which tends to make a student bored and distracted. The walk-around to cope up with this situation is to “Prepare Notes”. It’s not necessarily that you need to read and understand every word that the textbook says but you can jot down the important points and make effective diagrams related to the notes so that you can remember later and the concept is clear.

• Maintain a Study Planner with Deadlines and Assignments Priorities

“Besides how you do it is also really important when you do”. Therefore maintain a study planner and adhere to the deadlines and this will give your brain immense pleasure and boost your confidence when your assignments are completed on or before time. Maintaining a deadline schedule throughout the semester or trimester will save you from last-minute mess before exams and you will be entering the exam hall confident and also make sure to keep some last-minute change space in the study planner as you might not know when a new schedule is needed and be ready to adapt to that.

Following all the above you can have a sure-shot victory and save you from extra study hours and at last, when you follow the guidelines even for a few days don’t forget to “Reward” yourself with anything you like as after-all reward is the satisfaction that you deserve.

Good Luck!



shreeya setia

Shreeya is an online tutor at Swiflearn and giving tuition to class 3 to 10 students both CBSE and ICSE boards.