How Swiflearn Helps Speaking English Fluently

shreeya setia
Published in
4 min readSep 15, 2020


Survival without English is like Surviving without a source of Food and Water in no man’s land. No matter which is your favourite profession or which subject you excel in but if you cannot explain what you know or what you want to convey will make you feel crippled in various stages of life.

It’s not necessary to know all the details of every subject and to excel in every topic however what’s more important is to convey what you know the best. Have you ever experienced when a kid is talking fluently in English and who is barely 6 or 8 years old to his parents or friends, It could be a happy and a proud feeling for you at the same time however at the other end some underprivileged students are trying to be fluent but cannot maybe because they did not get the proper guidance or has lack of resources?

India is the second-largest English speaking country in the World however our question is “How many of us can speak fluently” A research done by a Private Organization says that only 40% out of the total English speaking people can speak fluently.

For fluent speaking, a child must start early as it’s a well-said theory that the early you start the farther you go. Parents need to understand that like mathematics and science, where a student has to learn the concepts for solving equations or learning about body parts and the law of gravity, the concepts of spoken English should be taught at an early age which builds the base for the child.

We at Swiflearn are committed to being the change and started advanced learning methods for students beginning class 3rd onwards understanding the need and Importance of fluency in spoken English. We have a specialized and dedicated team of teachers that encourages a child to understand the central tenets of everyday communication.

Let’s briefly explain to you how Swiflearn Spoken English Course is Unique and helpful for a student to be fluent and for Over-all Personality Improvement:

  • Classes right from Third Standard

Like we have already mentioned earlier the early a student start the good for the student to develop basics, the art of speaking, and of course confidence because the Swiflearn Expertise council has experienced that the problem with a child grows when the concepts are not clear and it builds a sense of “Hesitation” in a child which later builds up to lack of confidence especially in a group or public speaking.
Which is why here at Swiflearn classes start from 3rd Onwards to Class 8th.

  • Language Training Activities with more than 40 Live Classes

Our subject matter experts or specialist conducts more than 40 live classes for every class no matter if its an early stage like third standard or the advanced spoken English for class 8th. The dedicated team explains all the concepts and methods to be an Influencer public speaker along with language training activities which are audio-visual so that the students can understand faster and better.

  • Regular Assessment and Performance Task

Besides learning a Student has to undergo regular assessments prepared by the faculty which shows regular progress to the students and their parents so that they know where they stand or what they have learned along with performance task which engages a student and also fun to do.

  • Special Emphasis on Public Speaking and Group Discussions

Speaking to yourself or in front of the mirror won’t earn you anything no matter how fluent you are, which is why we at Swiflearn emphasize the students for speaking in public through regularly conducted group discussions and presentations to improve their confidence and clear their hesitations.

  • Learning Based on LSWR (Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading ) Approach

As per the study by Oxford’s to learn a language, LSWR is considered the easiest and best approach for teaching and our highly qualified teachers emphasize on first Listening and then Speaking or repeating back and then do the writing and reading them back to the teachers so that they have all the skills develop at the same time.

  • Introduction to Dramatics and Voice Modulations

Voice modulations play a very effective role in verbal communications as at times your modulations reach better than your words as you can be a good speaker but you never you to the person you are speaking to is a good listener or not taking the help of audios and videos for effective engagements.

Swiflearn ensures that learning should always be fun and with Years of experience in the Education Industry and commitment to providing better knowledge and education on the comfort of few clicks away at the place of your choice and the time of your choice.
“We Deliver what we Say” and to ensure that you can book a free trial now from the link below and check how our study methodology is not different but unique.

We hope and wish for your excel in the future, Good Luck!



shreeya setia

Shreeya is an online tutor at Swiflearn and giving tuition to class 3 to 10 students both CBSE and ICSE boards.