5 Free resources to help ace your next iOS technical interview

Wayne Bishop
Swift Algorithms & Data Structures
2 min readJan 27, 2021

For iOS developers at any level, learning something new can be a time-consuming and challenging process. When discussing career goals with other iOS developers, most possess a good understanding of Swift/iOS coding syntax and commonly used design patterns. However, roadblocks are met when understanding ideas behind computer science, problem solving and algorithms. If this describes you, here are 5 free resources to help you ace your next technical interview.

The iOS Interview Worksheet
Initially conceived as handwritten notes as I prepared for a technical interview at Google (years ago), this free resource has been expanded to support the many areas of consideration relative to iOS development. Downloaded by thousands and formatted in a 5-page checklist format, areas of recommended study include Swift, Objective-C, Design Patterns, User Interfaces, Data Management, Algorithms & Data Structures as well as Version Control.

The iOS Computer Science Lab
The Computer Science Lab was started as a means to provide more detailed instruction for those preparing for their next technical interview. Going beyond (dry) written content or canned videos, students in the science lab solve coding challenges in a live virtual setting via Zoom. While some have used the lab to help them land specific jobs at Facebook, Apple, Airbnb etc. others use it as a general means to learn something new each week. While full-time students pay for the service, new users can register for their first class for free.

The Wayne W Bishop YouTube Channel
Recently stared in 2021, this new video resource has been designed to fill in specific knowledge gaps when preparing for a technical interview. For example, most students enrolled in the Computer Science Lab are at a medium/advanced level with iOS. For those new to Swift, these tutorials act as a nice bridge helping those get to the next level.

The Swift Essentials Email Course (Sample)
Delivered via email, the 15-part Swift Essentials course is designed to help new and existing iOS Developers prepare for their next technical interview. The series contains code challenges designed to help you recall the fundamentals when it comes to the latest Swift syntax, design patterns and algorithms. While the full course is paid, users can register for a 3-part free sample at the website.

The Swift Extras Website
While its fabulous working directly other developers each week, sometimes the same questions arise which require a more detailed explanation. This extra content is published free of charge for others to access and review. In addition to full-length essays there is also a growing list of code challenges as well. Popular articles include Understanding Big-O Notation with Swift as well as Understanding Swift Closure format.

Happy Coding!

