3 Reasons why iOS Developers Should Switch to SwiftUI

Based on personal experience

Eniela P. Vela
Swift Blondie
Published in
4 min readDec 24, 2021


Picture by Amza Andrei in Unsplash.

As an iOS developer, I used Interface Builder for quite some times. I felt comfortable with its imperfections and every time I was running into a bug, I simple googled it. From previous experience on different project, the automask layout part of the IB one of the most annoying part. Sometimes, it was not working as expected. Inputting conditions was sometimes making it worse the whole situation. But again as, I mentioned, I was simple googling every problem I encountered, and at the end of the day, I figured out a solution.

SwiftUI has been approximately 1 year around and TBH, I never looked at it. Although with the introduction of ios14, the widges and other cool stuff and after the declaration that Apple will focus more on SwiftUI, I decided to give it a try. Oh boi! SwiftUI got me hooked. Here are 5 reasons why YOU as well should switch to SwiftUI. If you are having any doubt (just as I did) please click here.

Amazing Modern Layout

If you are building an app just for the sake of building an app, please go and check how to build ios app with objective-c. In 2021, it is a CRIME if the application is looking like Figure 1. When it comes to building a new application, a developer or UI/UX designer should think in…



Eniela P. Vela
Swift Blondie

iOS Developer | Technical Writer | Software Developer @ Apple