Make Your Coding Life Easier with Concurrency in Swift

Eniela P. Vela
Swift Blondie


Picture by Oskar Yildiz in Unsplash.

Writing asynchronous code has always been a challenging task for developers. One can write a whole book about concurrency and how is it associated with the asynchronous code because it is a hard topic to understand at first. I am not mentioning this to discourage you and put it off but I want to encourage you that even if you won’t understand it at first — it is NORMAL. Everyone finds this topic hard. I feel like even if you have knowledge, you still have to brush off your memory from time to time.

This is a topic for intermediate and advanced learners, and I will do my best to explain it as plain and understandable as this topic lets me.

Note: Lots of theory will be lost after this article so I suggest you come back to refresh from time to time. Our brains are inherently not built to work concurrently, and as a result it’s often hard to think about

Concurrency Over the Years

Apple made a big buzz about concurrency when Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) came out, along with Mac OS X Snow Leopard, in 2009. It was firstly designed around the needs and abilities of Objective-C. Swift just “rented” that concurrency until it had its own mechanism, designed specifically for the language. As the years passed and Objective-C started to fade away, concurrency became a…



Eniela P. Vela
Swift Blondie

iOS Developer | Technical Writer | Software Developer @ Apple