SWIFT UI vs Interface Builder

Picking up side

Eniela P. Vela
Swift Blondie
Published in
4 min readMar 3, 2021


The last major change that Apple came through was in 2014 when they introduced Swift in Objective-C. Back then Objective-C was very popular and gradually it died out as Swift got all the attention from developers. Introducing an Interface Builder which made the life easier by just dragging and dropping got the attention also to new developers including myself. I started learning more about how to build an iOS app once I got my first MacBook in 2015–2016 and Apple had moved to Swift 3. As a beginner, Swift was way convenient than Objective-C. As the years passed and Apple released many new iphone versions and ios updates, they introduced SwiftUI which seems to be the new path where apple wants to focus.

I believe that every person will have his/her own idea and perspective regarding the which one is better; SwiftUI or Interface Builder (storyboard). This article is not biased and I will try my best to point out the advantages and disadvantages of both SwiftUi and Interface Builder, and let developers decide whichever is better for their skills and purposes.

Advantages of SwiftUI

  • Just by writing “Advantages of SwiftUI”, I have grabbed half of the advanced iOS developers and not only. SwiftUI is very easy to learn and has a very clean code which is a great point for beginners.



Eniela P. Vela
Swift Blondie

iOS Developer | Technical Writer | Software Developer @ Apple