Continuation of Protocols…

Syed Rafay
Swift Closet
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2022

This is a continuation of previous article

Scenario 2:
As we all have worked on SignIn or SignUp Process, Have done Network calls and Parsed responses. Let’s talk about Validator for now.

Note: By The way 2nd and 3rd points of This are linked I’ll let you know why.

As making request for login we first validate fields and for that we usually add if else in Action, But that cannot be get Tested(writing test cases) any way. So here is a Concept Single Responsibility ‘S’ from SOLID. Controller is not responsible of validating any fields. So we’ll make a Separate class for that. And distribute the responsibility.

Let start the coding part

protocol ValidatorType{
func isValid() -> Bool
// Class Implementing typeclass EmailValidator: ValidatorType{ var value: String? init(value: String){ self.value = value } func isValid() -> Bool {// add condition
return true

Now lets create a Unit test for it,

Now in this way any Field, The benefit is that you can create testcase for the function.class MockValidator: ValidatorType{var value: String? = abcfunc isValid() -> Bool {
guard let value = value else {
return false
return value == "abc"
// Testcase for success Scenario
test_whenMockStringPassed_shouldReturnTrue() {
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "Should return True")
var expectedValue = "abc"
XCTAssertEqual(validateField(type: MockValidator(value: expectedValue)), true)


This was a small demo of benefit of protocol and use case of Unit test. There are multiple Articles on Validators you can check, And I will also write a simple article for validator soon.
You can try in Many ways. I have also worked with Network classes which will be in Next Article.



Syed Rafay
Swift Closet

IOS Developer - Former Firefox Club Captain - Tech Nerd - Towards Algo Expert - Just Code, Eat and Sleep