A little story about iOS jailbreaking

Leela Prasad
Swift India
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2019

Jailbreak refers to the process of gaining root access to the iOS operating system that runs on Apple devices, including the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Jailbreaking frees the device from dependence on Apple as the exclusive source of applications, allowing users to install third-party apps unavailable at the official App Store.

Some of the things you can do with jailbroken devices include:

  • Customise look and feel of your iOS device.
  • Delete the pre-installed apps that come with the iOS (though that feature was also officially added iOS 10.
  • Install apps that are not available in the App Store.
  • Get paid apps for free (sounds good, except that’s theft and therefore illegal).
  • Download music, videos, ebooks, and other content for free (in some cases, this is also theft).
  • Access the iOS filesystem, something that’s normally hidden from users.

The Arguments Against Jailbreaking an iPhone :

The arguments against jailbreaking an iPhone include:

  1. Unreliable Operation. Apple tightly controls how its devices work, limiting your ability to customise them. Apple prevents these changes to ensure that the devices operate smoothly, with fewer errors, more security, and with a high-quality experience. Jailbreaking gives you control, but can also introduce problems and instability.
  2. Security Concerns. Because Apple requires that users only install apps from the App Store, all apps offer a minimum of quality and security. This reduces security flaws and prevents spam and malicious apps from infecting your device. Jailbroken devices can be attacked through apps that are not approved by Apple.
  3. Vulnerability to Attack. The iPhone is the most secure smartphone platform and sees the fewest hacks, viruses, and other attacks. The only time that an iPhone is particularly vulnerable to attack is when it’s been jailbroken.
  4. Upgrade problems. Jailbroken devices can be hard to upgrade to the latest version of the iOS. This is because new versions of the iOS often close the code loopholes used by jailbreaks. You may not be able to upgrade your OS and keep the jailbreak.
  5. No more official support. Jailbreaking voids an iPhone’s warranty, so if you have problems with your phone, you can’t get support from Apple.
  6. Decreasing Benefits. One of the big benefits of jailbreaking used to be that there was a robust set of apps to install. That’s no longer true. Some of the major alternative app stores are dying off and new apps aren’t being released.
  7. Technical Complexity. Jailbreaking isn’t always simple. Doing it right can require more technical skill than the average person has. If you try to jailbreak without knowing what you’re doing, you can seriously — even permanently — damage your iPhone.

The Arguments For Jailbreaking an iPhone :

On the other hand, the arguments in favour of jailbreaking the iPhone include:

  1. Freedom of choice. Advocates of jailbreaking say that Apple is denying you the freedom to use devices that you own in the way that you want. They argue that Apple’s controls are too restrictive and that they prevent people who want to modify their devices to learn from doing so legitimately.
  2. Removing restrictions. Jail-breakers also say, sometimes correctly, that Apple’s business interests can cause it to block apps from the App Store that would otherwise work well. They say that you should have access to those apps.
  3. Getting content for free. A less noble, but still true, argument in favour of jailbreaking is that it makes it easier to get paid apps and media (music, movies, etc.) for free. This is piracy and stealing from the people who produce that content, so it’s not a good argument in favour of jailbreaking. Still, it is one benefit for the unscrupulous.

→ Tethered, Semi-Tethered and Untethered Jailbreaking :

What’s the difference between a tethered and untethered jailbreak?

Tethered jailbreaks require you to attach your iOS device to your computer and run an application to jailbreak it. If you later power off the device and then restart it, the jailbreak is wiped out, and you have to repeat the entire process. It also means your iOS device is completely useless until you do so, which isn’t convenient.

These kinds of jailbreak were the first to be developed. But what prospective jail-breakers wanted was an untethered method, where the hack would remain in effect even after the device was switched off and on again. This is called an untethered jailbreak, which is what is available for those looking to jailbreak iOS 10.

A third option, semi-tethered, means that you’ll have to re-run the jailbreak process after restarting your iOS device or after a certain amount of time passes. It’s a good compromise as the jailbreak can be run directly from the device rather than requiring a PC or Mac, but can still be a frustrating experience.

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