G. Abhisek
Swift India
Published in
7 min readJun 9, 2018

OOP(Object Oriented Programming), is the three-lettered magical concept on which almost all modern programming language stands. SWIFT, APPLE’s trending language is no different from this. OOP concepts are the backbone of SWIFT. What I have marked is many developers fail to correlate the concepts of OOP. It is not that we don’t know about OOPs, it is just we can’t correlate the applications. So guys it is time to revisit basic OOP concepts in a SWIFTY way.

OOP, We are coming with SWIFT….. Hell Yeah ……!!!

Okay, we will cover up the following basic concepts of OOPs in SWIFTY way:

  • Classes
  • Objects
  • Properties
  • Methods
  • Access Control
  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction
  • Inheritance
  • Method Overriding
  • Method Overloading
  • Polymorphism

I don’t believe in technical definitions rather we will understand the concepts in a more realistic way with examples from iOS which implements the same. I will suggest you try this out on your playground. :]


Classes can be compared to a real-world group to which certain items or objects or living beings belong and each of these has similar kinds of properties as present in the group. Eg — Think of Person as a group or class. Every Person is it, a man or woman has properties and attributes which are common to both.


class Person {    
// Your Personal attributes and abilities can be defined here.
// Don't write if u are a vampire ;]

What we did here:

We declared a class.

iOS Example:

UIView, the iOS’s main UI class, can be considered a class.


An object is anything that you see which comes from a particular class. Eg — Dog, Cat, Pen, Pencil, etc, everything is an object. From our Person example, men and women are examples of objects which belong to the same class i.e Person.


let man = Person() // we created an object of Person

What we did here:

We created an object of the class by instantiating it.

iOS Example:

When we create an outlet of UITableView, then we create an object of UITableView class.


Lets again go back to our earlier Person example. As I earlier said that each Person has some common attributes, properties, and functions that they perform are same irrespective across all groups like we belong to a particular gender, color, have age, etc. So these can be called as properties of the Person class.

Technically, properties of a class are common attributes of that class that can be shared across each object which is derived from it.


class Person {    
var age: Int! // These are some of the properties of Person class
var gender: String! var color: String! var maritialStatus: String!
init(age: Int, gender: String, color: String, maritialStatus: String) {

What we did here:

  1. We declared some properties of Person class.
  2. We are calling an initializer method to initialize the variables(by using ‘init’) if someone instantiates it.

iOS Example:

UIView class has many properties of itself, eg. frame, backgroundColor, isHidden, etc.


Methods or Functions are the behavior of the objects of a class. Let us say a person can walk, sing, play, etc irrespective of any object(Man/Woman). These all can be said to be methods/functions of the class.


Write down the following code in your Person class.

func play(sport: String) {        //Write down how you will make your person instance play. }

What we did here:

  1. We declared a function of Person class i.e `play()`

iOS Example:

UIView class has many methods. Eg. “setNeedsLayout()”, which we call if we want to forcefully reset our UI layout.

Access Controls

Swift provides quite many handy access control levels which are really helpful while writing our code. Some of the access levels provided SWIFT:

  • Open access and public access — Entities with this access level can be accessed within the module that they are defined as well as outside their module.
  • Internal access — Entities with this access level can be accessed by any files within the same module but not outside of it.
  • File-private access — Entities with this access level can only be accessed within the defining source file.
  • Private access — Entities with this access level can be accessed only within the defining enclosure.


Encapsulation is a concept by which we hide data and methods from outside intervention and usage.


class Maths {//1    
let a: Int!
let b: Int! private var result: Int?
init(a: Int,b: Int) {
self.a = a self.b = b

func add() {
result = a + b

func displayResult() {
print("Result - \(result)")
}let calculation = Maths(a: 2, b: 3)calculation.add()calculation.displayResult()

What we did here:

  1. We declared a Maths class which does up some mathematical calculations.
  2. We declared two variables required for inputting values.
  3. Initialise the variables.
  4. We declare a method to add the two variables
  5. And then another method to display the result.

In the above example, we encapsulated the variable “result” by using the access specifier “private”. We hide the data of variable “result” from any outside intervention and usage.


Abstraction is an OOP concept by which we expose relevant data and methods of an object hiding its internal implementation.

Eg. When we go to a shop to buy a product, we just get the product that we want. The shopkeeper doesn’t tell us how the product was bought. We can think of this as an example of abstraction.

In our example in encapsulation, we are exposing displayTotal() and add() method to the user to perform the calculations, but hiding the internal calculations.


Inheritance is defined as a process by which you inherit the properties of your parent. Technically, Inheritance is a process by which a child class inherits the properties of its parent class.


class Men: Person {//1}
let andy = Men(age: 2, gender: "M", color: "White", maritialStatus: "M")
print(andy.age) // prints 2

What we did here:

  1. We declared a child class Men which inherit the Person class…..Ya of course men are persons. Wait did you think of something else!! ;]
  2. And since Men class inherits from Person parent class, it can also access its properties as it does in the code.

iOS Example:

UIButton class inherits from UIView thus is able to access its properties like backgroundColor, frame, etc.


Method overloading is the process by which a class has two or more methods with the same name but different parameters.


Write down the following code in the Person class. Now we see

func play(instrument: String) {}

Now we have two play functions with different arguments. A person can play a piece of music as well as an instrument. Can’t he?


Overriding is the process by which two methods have the same method name and parameters. One of the methods is in the parent class and the other is in the child class.


class Men { override init(age: Int, gender: String, color: String, maritialStatus: String) {
//initialise men

What we did here:

Since Men inherit from Person, we can override the init method in Men class so that it would behave differently for the objects of Men along with how it does for objects of Person class.

iOS Example:

When we create a UIViewController subclass, we override the viewDidLoad() method of UIViewController.


One of the important aspects of OOP which makes it a hero is the behavior of objects. Objects of the same class can behave independently within the same interface.


class Player {
let name: String
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
func play() { }}class Batsman: Player {
override func play() {
private func bat() {
print("\(name) is batting 🏏")
}class Bowler: Player {
override func play() {
private func bowl() {
print("\(name) is bowling 🏏")
class CricketTeam {
let name: String
let team: [Player]
init(name: String, team: [Player]) {
self.name = name
self.team = team
func play() {
team.forEach { $0.play() }
let rohitSharma = Batsman(name: "Rohit Sharma")
let bumrah = Bowler(name: "Jasprit Bumrah")
let indianTeam = CricketTeam(name: "India", team: [rohitSharma, bumrah])

What we did here:

We created a Player class and inherited Batsman and Bowler classes that override the play() function of their parent class. CricketTeam class has a name and consists of different players. We initialized a bowler and a batsman object and added them to the Indian cricket team.

When the Indian team starts playing by invoking play(
, you can see Rohit Sharma starts batting whereas Jasprit Bumrah starts bowling because the earlier is a batsman whereas the latter is a bowler.

For CricketTeam class all the players belong to Player class. It does not matter which subclasses they do inherit or how they play in the field.

Our almost all day-to-day coding revolves around the concepts of OOP, and it really needs us to be strong and creative in it. Hope this revisit would have been enjoyable.

I would love to hear from you

You can reach me for any query, feedback, or just want to have a discussion through the following channels:

Twitter — @gabhisek_dev


Gmail: abhisekbunty94@gmail.com

Please feel free to share with your fellow developers.

