Swift India Conference 2019 — Amazing Experience

Shubham Gupta
Swift India
Published in
6 min readAug 25, 2019

As an iOS Developer, I’m gonna share my experience at Swift India Conference 2019.

It was my first time i attended the Swift India conference, I have been already attending Delhi Meet-ups from past 1.5 years. The journey is so amazing till now, learned so many things from industry experts, got advice for which i was stuck in .

Conference was held on 28th July 2019 at Bengaluru, Dev community all around the globe participated with great learning experience.

Will be discussing about all the talks briefly.

Tim Oliver, opens the conference with full energy, discuss about Ode to the corner radius — the rounded corners API available in iOS. He has his own persona of describing and relating things. He describes himself as a giant iPhone nerd since iPhone OS2.0, most of us not even starting learning though at that time, also how the design has evolved in different iOS versions for eg : Title text were made Bold and large, Separating lines removed with contrasting colors.

Presentation - Ode to the corner radius

Then came Srikanth KV, to discuss on Rule Systems & State Machines with GameplayKit, and it was shocking that it can be used apart from games too. Yes, it can be. He discussed about how at PhonePe, team used GKKit to detect fraud analysis during any sort of payment. Also discuss about how GPKit can be very useful during Text Validation.
Different states can be managed though easily with GKKit. He briefed with the example of light turning Red — Orange — Green, including all the possible scenarios.

Presentation — Hacking Rule Systems & State Machines with Apple’s GameplayKit Framework

Followed by then Building Apps with Compositional Layouts by Sowndharya M. At WWDC ‘19, Apple introduced new layout system for building up components in collection view i.e Compositional Layout, all about how we can remove boiler plate code at cell for row level and implement interfaces ranging from simple lists to interactive windows. She discussed how App Store build their new UI using compositional layout effectively.

Presentation — Building Apps with Compositional Layout

Next was Ritesh Gupta , techie always exploring new things along with food. Combine! All the things. He had a pretty disclaimer before his talk about what if Beta fails. Talk gathers reactive guys how they get into the reactive stuff with apple native combine framework this time. Combine seems like a very promising piece of work by Apple engineers, and there’s no denying that it was heavily inspired by RxSwift (and ReactiveSwift as well) in its design, while incorporating some of their own thoughts and research into it.

Presentation — Combine! All the things

Stay updated, what’s happening next in your state meet-up group. Join Swift India Slack group for the same.

Swift India Meet-ups Groups — Indore, Pune, Hyderabad, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru

Here comes, Daiki Matsudate — bringing out Make our Swift better, compactMapValues To Dictionary to Swift — He discusses his journey from motivation to the swift version release. If you want to contribute to Swift, give a look to his Proposal.

Presentation — Make our Swift better in India

Journey of Codable, By Bharath Nagaraj Rao. JSON parsing has become lot easier than it’s ever been before with Codables. We as Developers uses Codables while dealing with data serialisation, pulling out data from network services, but many of us lack behind how effectively it improves performance & how it is related to certain other factors and how it makes our life’s easy.

One of the best ending statement from his talk

Meeting scholars is as meritorious as visiting holy places. Fruits of visiting a place is obtained over a period of time but the very sight of scholars / expert brings merit at once.

Presentation — Journey Of Codable

As Swift UI landed as bomb for iOS developers , Matthew Delves — shares about Drawing Graphs with SwiftUI. along with the pretty animations including apple watch support for the same.

So till now we have multiple topics covered, But one of the major is missing, Yes i.e choosing an Appropriate Architecture for your App depending upon App use-case. Amruta Itagi discusses about how to implement Redux in iOS along with the pros & cons.

I have heard of Catalyst in my chemistry, Higher Education, never know such amazing things exists in iOS too Project Catalyst. Noah Gilmore explained how to adapt your iPad app for Mac effectively and take a closer look into implementing macOS features like menu bars, tool bars, and window controls with UIKit., just by overcoming some of the configurations and some limitations.

Presentation — Effective Migration to Mac Catalyst

Abhishek Pandey raised an appropriate Issue, Imagine the time when you first time used the Mobile App, I guess you don’t know what does Ham-burger menu represents, Bottom navigation or carousel means, So how to guide users at that stage.

Talk discusses about how we can build out some helpful walkthroughs / Gestures to guide / help out users depending upon certain conditions & users activity in the App.

Almost done with the bundles of technical knowledge, what’s needed was the spark that patches all together and helps out Building a Meaningful career.

Gopal Sharma — one of host of Conference, talks about Building a Meaningful Career, as we grow in our career & life what kind of challenges has to be faced and motivated though — superb talk.

One of the best part i like was, I met people from colleges to the top class skills, made new friends, learned from them and yes explored Bengaluru too.

Swift India Conference 2019 — Group Photograph

Thanks to Alvin, Aaina, Gopal Sharma, Giri & all other organising team members, Really guys you have done brilliant job to make this happen.

Note : This time i missed hands on workshop just because i registered too late when slots were full, next time not gonna miss that, Suggestion — you should confirm to the tickets when 2020 conference announces.

