DSA00: Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift!

Abdullah Bilgin
Swift Insights
Published in
6 min readNov 27, 2023

Embarking on a journey through the dynamic realm of programming, let’s delve into the significance of data structures and algorithms in Swift.

Data Structures & Algorithms

1. Efficiency at its Core:

Data structures answer the question: How can we efficiently store data to achieve specific goals? Imagine the difference between searching for an element in an array and a set. Swift’s expressiveness makes learning these core concepts a breeze.

  • Scenario: Let’s say you have an array of unique user IDs in a social media app. You want to quickly check if a new user ID already exists when someone tries to create an account.

Efficient Data Storage:

  • Scenario: Imagine you are building a music playlist application. You have a large collection of songs, and users can create playlists. Now, if you store all songs in a simple list (array), every time a user wants to check if a song is in a playlist, the app has to go through each song one by one. This becomes inefficient as the playlist grows.
  • Efficient Data Structure: Instead, if you use a data structure like a Set in Swift to store the songs in each playlist, you gain efficiency. Sets allow for constant time (O(1)) lookups. So, checking if a song is in the playlist becomes incredibly fast, no matter how large the playlist is.

Swift’s Expressiveness — Array vs. Set:

  • Scenario: Let’s say you have an array of unique user IDs in a social media app. You want to quickly check if a new user ID already exists when someone tries to create an account.
  • Array Approach: Using an array, you might loop through each element to see if the new user ID is already present. This involves writing more code and can be slower, especially with a large user base.
  • Set Approach: Swift’s expressiveness shines here. By using a Set, you can leverage its built-in functionality to check for the existence of a user ID with just a single line of code. This not only makes your code cleaner but also takes advantage of the optimized algorithms implemented in Swift for set operations.

2. Interviews — The Algorithmic Challenge:

  • Mastering data structures and algorithms is key for tech interviews. Companies gauge your engineering prowess through algorithmic questions, setting a benchmark for software positions.
  • Scenario: Imagine you’re in a technical interview for a software engineering position. The interviewer presents you with a common problem: finding the first non-repeated character in a string.
  • Algorithmic Challenge: You could approach this problem by iterating through the characters in the string and keeping track of their occurrences. However, you want an efficient solution. This is where your knowledge of algorithms comes into play.
  • Efficient Solution: You decide to use a data structure called a Hash Map. As you iterate through the characters in the string, you store the count of each character in the hash map. Once the iteration is complete, you can quickly identify the first non-repeated character by looking at the counts in the hash map.
func firstNonRepeatedCharacter(_ str: String) -> Character? {
var charCount = [Character: Int]()

for char in str {
charCount[char, default: 0] += 1

for char in str {
if charCount[char] == 1 {
return char

return nil // All characters are repeated

// Example Usage:
let inputString = "programming"
if let result = firstNonRepeatedCharacter(inputString) {
print("First non-repeated character: \(result)")
} else {
print("All characters are repeated.")
  • Explanation: In this example, your understanding of data structures (Hash Map) and algorithms (iterating through the string and using counts) allows you to provide an optimal solution during the interview. This showcases how a solid grasp of data structures and algorithms is crucial for tackling challenges presented in technical interviews.

3. Work — Performance & Scalability:

  • Choosing the right data structure impacts how efficiently software handles vast data.
  • Proper algorithms enhance performance, leading to responsive mobile apps, energy-efficient servers, and meaningful code.
  • Scenario: Imagine you are developing a social media application where users can post and view content. One critical aspect is displaying posts to users in a way that ensures optimal performance, especially as the number of posts grows.
  • Challenge: You need to design a system that efficiently retrieves posts for a user’s feed.
  • Choosing the Right Data Structure: You consider using a data structure like a Priority Queue to store posts. Each post has a timestamp, and the priority queue is ordered based on these timestamps.
  • Algorithm for Retrieving Posts: When a user opens their feed, instead of going through all posts, you can efficiently retrieve the most recent posts by using the Priority Queue. This ensures that the user sees the latest and most relevant content first.
struct Post {
let content: String
let timestamp: Date

class FeedManager {
private var postsPriorityQueue = PriorityQueue<Post>(order: { $0.timestamp > $1.timestamp })

func addPost(_ post: Post) {

func getRecentPosts(forUser userId: String, count: Int) -> [Post] {
var recentPosts = [Post]()
while let post = postsPriorityQueue.dequeue(), recentPosts.count < count {
return recentPosts

// Example Usage:
let feedManager = FeedManager()
feedManager.addPost(Post(content: "Exciting news!", timestamp: Date()))
feedManager.addPost(Post(content: "Amazing photos!", timestamp: Date().addingTimeInterval(-3600))) // One hour ago
feedManager.addPost(Post(content: "Tech insights", timestamp: Date().addingTimeInterval(-7200))) // Two hours ago

let recentPosts = feedManager.getRecentPosts(forUser: "user123", count: 2)
print("Recent Posts: \(recentPosts)")

Explanation: By selecting the Priority Queue data structure and implementing an algorithm to retrieve recent posts efficiently, you optimize the performance of your social media app. This leads to a more responsive user experience and efficient handling of a growing number of posts, showcasing the importance of data structures and algorithms in real-world software development.

4. Contextual Understanding:

  • Using the correct data structure provides instant context to readers.
  • Extract valuable insights from code, understanding why a specific data structure is chosen and its implications.
  • Scenario: In a codebase for an e-commerce platform, you come across a data structure used to manage product inventory. The chosen data structure is a Hash Table.
  • Contextual Understanding: Immediately, you extract valuable insights from this choice:
    1. Efficient Lookup: Since a Hash Table allows constant-time average-case complexity for lookup operations, you understand that quick product retrieval is a priority.
    2. Preventing Duplicate Products: Hash Tables inherently prevent the insertion of duplicate keys. You deduce that ensuring each product has a unique identifier is crucial for this inventory management system.
    3. Ordering Not Essential: Hash Tables don’t guarantee any specific order. This cues you that the order of products might not be a critical factor in this context, emphasizing the focus on fast and unique product retrieval.
  • Swift Code Representation:
struct Product {
let id: String
let name: String
let price: Double
class InventoryManager {
private var productInventory = [String: Product]() // Hash Table
func addProduct(_ product: Product) {
productInventory[product.id] = product
func getProductDetails(forProductId productId: String) -> Product? {
return productInventory[productId]
// Example Usage:
let inventoryManager = InventoryManager()
inventoryManager.addProduct(Product(id: "P001", name: "Smartphone", price: 799.99))
inventoryManager.addProduct(Product(id: "P002", name: "Laptop", price: 1299.99))
if let smartphoneDetails = inventoryManager.getProductDetails(forProductId: "P001") {
print("Product Details: \(smartphoneDetails.name), Price: \(smartphoneDetails.price)")
  • Explanation: Understanding the context behind using a Hash Table provides clarity on the priorities of the inventory management system. It emphasizes efficient lookup, uniqueness of products, and the non-essentiality of maintaining a specific order. This contextual understanding aids developers in grasping the rationale behind the code and making informed decisions when modifying or extending the system.

5. Self-Improvement:

  • Algorithms offer strategies for tackling complex problems and inspire code improvements.
  • Expanding beyond Swift’s standard library broadens your toolkit, empowering you to build more sophisticated apps.
  • Scenario: While developing a weather forecasting app, you encounter a performance bottleneck in the algorithm used to analyze historical weather data for predictions. The existing algorithm takes longer than desired.
  • Self-Improvement: Applying algorithmic knowledge for improvement:
    1. Optimizing the Prediction Algorithm: You delve into advanced algorithms, exploring techniques like dynamic programming or optimized search algorithms to enhance the speed and accuracy of weather predictions.
    2. Building a Specialized Data Structure: Recognizing that the app processes large datasets, you decide to implement a specialized data structure, perhaps a Priority Queue. This choice optimizes the retrieval of critical weather data, reducing processing time.
    3. Enhancing User Experience: The improvements lead to a more responsive app. Users receive quicker and more accurate weather predictions, enhancing their overall experience.
  • Swift Code Representation:
class WeatherForecaster {
private var historicalWeatherData: [WeatherData] = [] // Assume WeatherData struct is defined
func optimizePredictionAlgorithm() {
// Implementation of advanced algorithm for weather predictions
func implementPriorityQueue() {
// Implementation of a Priority Queue for optimized data retrieval
// Other methods for weather forecasting…
  • Explanation: This example illustrates the impact of algorithmic knowledge on self-improvement. By exploring advanced algorithms and considering specialized data structures, developers can optimize critical components of their apps. The result is not only improved performance but also a deeper understanding of how algorithmic choices influence the overall user experience. This continuous pursuit of algorithmic excellence contributes to becoming a more proficient and innovative developer.

Happy Coding, and may your Swift journey be filled with joy and endless possibilities!



Abdullah Bilgin
Swift Insights

"iOS engineer & IT head, crafting code & innovation. Leading with tech prowess & strategic vision. Bridging iOS dev & IT realms. Lifelong learner. 📱💡"